NECC Alpha Beta Gamma Chapter Recognizes Business Students

Left to right are inductees to the Beta Omicron Chapter of Alpha Beta Gama: Louise Schafer of Atkinson, NH, Katie Lacroix of Plaistow, NH, Alyssa Ronca (student speaker) of Derry, NH, and Justine Janvrin of Seabrook, NH.
Northern Essex Community College business students were recognized for academic excellence and leadership at the 32nd annual induction and awards ceremony for the Beta Omicron Chapter of Alpha Beta Gamma, which was held recently at the college.
Thirty-one students were inducted into the honor society and nine received awards. Alpha Beta Gamma was established by business professors in 1970 to recognize and encourage scholarship among business and professional students enrolled at two-year degree granting institutions.
The award recipients included:
Timothy Miles, of Salisbury, received the Hausman Siegel Distinguished Award. This award is given to the outstanding student chapter president. Miles has shown exceptional leadership in his time as chapter president.
Four Beta Omicron members earned essay awards this year. The recipients included, Sara Tavitian of Haverhill, who received the Dr. Mary Bone Essay Award for her essay “What Alpha Beta Gamma Means to Me”; Celine Ramey of Salem, NH, who received the Peter J. Gleason Essay Award for “Business and the Environment, Today and in Ten Years”; Elaine Filed of Haverhill, received the Ester J. Cross-Carter Memorial Essay for “Helping Others”; and Anastasios Koulopoulos of North Andover, who received the MBIA Competitive Essay Award for “The Significance of Municipal Bonds in Financing Special Projects in the USA.”
Other award recipients honored this year included, John Williamson of Merrimac, who received the Professor Steven Graham Memorial for attending the national meeting. Professor Pamela Donahue of Methuen received the C. George Alvey Distinguished Fellowship for the outstanding chapter advisor of the national organization. Linda Goddu of Salem, NH, received the Nathan Ancell Memorial Award for outstanding business plan.
Ruth Echavarria of Lawrence, was the recipient of the President Eva Bobrow Medallion which is given to a chapter member who has made many contributions to the society over a period of time.
The chapter itself also won an award; the Brooks College Golden Key. This chapter award is given to two year colleges for excellence in community service, campus service, recruitment, and excellence in financial management. This is the ninth year Northern Essex has won this award. Throughout its chapter history, Alpha Beta Gamma has received over 98 national awards.
Alpha Beta Gamma is an international honor society that recognizes and encourages scholarship among students of two-year business and professional colleges. Members of NECC’s local chapter must maintain a cumulative 3.0 minimum grade point average and exude strong moral and academic character.
The following students were inducted into Alpha Beta Gamma this year:
Gregory Baden Gobin
Rory Astacio
Jannyl V. Fabián
Cinthia Arias
Luis E. Estevez
Emely Rachel Pimentel
Jeurys Santiago (Incoming Treasurer)
Maniscarlett Valera
Kyle Hawes
Michael Stellato, Jr.
Erin Thibodeau
Candy Castillo
Amel T. Perez Cavallo
Melanie Victoria Garcia
Amanda Labranche
Jeanette Lucas
Nickey Pereyra (Incoming President)
North Andover
BreAnne C. Rogers
David M. Fanaras
Cody Harding
Patsathorn Noyvimol
Renee Taylor Pearson
Joshua J. Rolfe
Justin Robert Stanley
Christopher Sullivan
New Hampshire
Louise Anne Schafer
Alyssa Ronca (Incoming Sec. & Speaker)
Christopher Roy Jackson
Katie Lacroix
Jessica Piscopo
Justine E. Janvrin
- From left to right: inductees Jeurys Santiago, incoming treasurer; Maniscarlett Valera; and Luis Estevez, all of Lawrence.
- From left to right: Rory Astacio of Haverhill, Professor Pam Donahue, Erin Thibodeau of Merrimac, and Renee Pearson of Salisbury.
- left to right: Jeanette Lucas, inductee, Professor Pam Donahue, and Nickey Pereyra, incoming president of the Beta Omicron Chapter of Alpha Beta Gamma. All are from Methuen.