Woburn Resident Receives Outstanding Student Award
The Northern Essex Community College Alumni Board is pleased to announce Woburn resident Franziska Hoene as the latest recipient of the Outstanding Student Award. The selective honor, granted annually to one graduating NECC student who has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to academic success and community service, was announced during the college’s 61st commencement.

NECC Trustee and President of the Alumni Board Jouel Gomez presented Franziska Hoene with the Outstanding Student Award
Throughout her time on campus, Hoene has served in a variety of key leadership roles that have helped to elevate the student life experience at NECC. In the spring of 2021, she became the president of the Student Government Association (SGA), through which she has initiated a range of advocacy efforts on behalf of her peers, in addition to organizing the bi-annual SGA Golden Lamp Awards for exceptional faculty and staff. She is also a member of the Art Club, Phi Theta Kappa, the Civic Scholars program, the Commonwealth Honors program, the National Society of Leadership and Success, and the student advisory council, among other campus committees and organizations.
Outside of campus, her influence is just as far-ranging. A strong proponent of community service work, Hoene regularly steps up to volunteer at her local library, organize park cleanups, and referee for soccer and futsal groups, often assisting in regional and national tournaments.
On winning the Outstanding Student Award, Hoene was quick to express her gratitude:
“This means a lot to me. Words cannot describe how grateful I am to be appreciated by the college and key people… This award shows me that people care about my success and contributions to this college.”
She was nominated for the award by Suzanne Reyes, interim coordinator of student activities, who noted Hoene’s dedication and work ethic.
“Franzi [went] from a homeschool environment to making strides in her academics here at NECC and UML,” she says. “She is very hard-working and driven in her classes.”
Hoene, who began studying at NECC when she was just 12 years old, has long had high aspirations for her educational career. By the time she reached seventh grade, she had already passed a college entrance exam for math. Now, at 16, she holds an associate degree in engineering science and is already dual enrolled at UMass Lowell, where she will continue to work toward a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering this fall. Hoene’s goal is to one day work as an oncology research clinician.
As part of the award, Hoene received a new Dell laptop courtesy of the NECC Alumni Association.
Please visit the Outstanding Awards page to learn more about the Outstanding Student Award. Nominations are accepted each spring.