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Article Archive for: June 2023
WHAV: Four Northern Essex Community College Baseball Players Become NJCAA All-Americans
https://whav.net/2023/06/13/four-northern-essex-community-college-baseball-players-become-njcaa-all-americans/ Four Northern Essex Community College Baseball Players Become NJCAA All-Americans
Eagle-Tribune: Lawrence’s Vasquez headlines four NECC All-Americans
https://www.eagletribune.com/sports/lawrences-vasquez-headlines-four-necc-all-americans/article_29c36afa-0a27-11ee-b6b7-6f57884c1907.html In early 2022, Jairo Vasquez began a six-month sentence at Middleton jail. A year later, he’s an All-American.
Methuen Student Fought Through Hard Times to Discover Her Passion at NECC
Mya Rivera of Methuen has many qualities that contributed to her success as a recent Northern Essex Community College graduate: she's determined, she's a hard worker, and she isn't afraid to ask for help. But perhaps above all, she has…

Knights Finish Third at NJCAA World Series
Greeneville, TN (May 31, 2023) – The Northern Essex Community College baseball team hung on for a one-run victory in the semi-final round of the NJCAA World Series on Wednesday (5/31) afternoon before falling to Dallas-Eastfield with a spot in…

Photo Roundup: 2023 Awards Convocation
Haverhill, MA (June 5, 2023) – Graduating Northern Essex Community College students were honored for their achievements inside and outside of the classroom at this year's annual Awards Convocation. The May 9th ceremony was held in the Northern Essex Sport…

Student Shares His Experience with the Promise Program on Behalf of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Washington, D.C. (April 11, 2023) – Northern Essex Community College biology student Patrick Sainato is no stranger to hard work. He served as class president at Haverhill High School for three years, and in his senior year, he decided also…

NECC Celebrates 400 Early College Students
Haverhill, MA (June 5, 2023) – Four hundred and ten graduating seniors from 27 local high schools earned college credits in addition to their high school diplomas this year as participants in Northern Essex Community College’s Early College Program. [caption…
Business Student Finds Success Prioritizing Family and School
Starting a new life in another country is challenging. So is completing an associate degree, being a parent, and living through a global pandemic. Yet Jureicy Sanchez De Jimenez of Lawrence managed to do all of those things at once.…
Past articles by year
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