NECC MassReconnect Student Highlighted by MA Senate President
Boston, MA (January 1, 2025) – As the Massachusetts State Senate convened for its 194th legislative session, Northern Essex Community College student Jose Cervantes was among those in the gallery. He and his daughter attended at the invitation of Senator Karen Spilka, who was re-elected as Senate President during Wednesday’s session. In her acceptance speech, Spilka reflected on all she and her fellow lawmakers have accomplished since she was first elected President in 2018, including historic investments in higher education. In 2023, the MassReconnect Program made community college free for Massachusetts adults 25+ who do not already have an associate degree. Building on the success of MassReconnect, lawmakers approved MassEducate last year, making community college free for most Massachusetts residents without a bachelor’s degree.

Jose Cervantes (right) and daughter Charlie with Senate President Karen Spilka and her spouse Joel Loitherstein
“When I think back to the day that we announced the MassEducate program last May, I remember distinctly the words of one of the students who joined us that day. Jose Cervantes – who was just two years old when he came to Massachusetts – lives in Lowell and has worked as a mason for two decades while supporting his daughter Charlie. Jose and Charlie are our guests today in the Chamber. Thank you for joining us, we are proud of both of you, you represent the best of Massachusetts,” remarked Spilka.
She continued, “When he was asked to participate in the MassEducate launch event, Jose worked late the night before so he could be there without taking a hit to his paycheck. That’s how important he felt it was to spread the word about free community college – a resource he looks forward to passing on to Charlie when she is ready. Speaking about his time at Northern Essex Community College, he said, ‘The word community in community college is so underrated because when you walk in there, that’s what it feels like.’ I can’t think of a better way to explain how absolutely vital these institutions are to creating community while promoting positive economic outcomes – both for the students they serve and the state.”
Cervantes enrolled as a computer science major at NECC in the fall of 2023, just after MassReconnect launched. He attends classes in the evenings, often arriving directly from his job as a mason. He says the opportunity to envision a new future for his family is worth the short-term sacrifice. “It’s never too late. You set a goal; if not just for yourself but for those around you, you can accomplish it.”
Learn more about free community college by visiting the webpage.