NECC Seeks Nominations for 50th Anniversary Making a Difference Awards
As part of its year-long 50th anniversary celebration, which begins this September, Northern Essex Community College will honor influential members of the NECC community who have made a difference in the lives of others.
The college is accepting nominations for these awards which honor the many individuals that have made a powerful and positive difference to Northern Essex, its students, and to the surrounding communities over the last 50 years.
Nominees can include graduates of the college who have achieved personal and professional success and/or given back to the college or community; faculty or staff who have demonstrated exemplary performance as instructors, mentors, or leaders; or community friends who have shown a strong commitment to helping fulfill the mission of the college.
The 50 top nominees will be recognized at the college’s 50th anniversary gala which is scheduled for Friday, April 27, 2012 at DiBurro’s in Ward Hill.
The deadline for nominations is Tuesday, November 1, 2011. A committee comprised of college faculty and staff will review nominations and select the award recipients.
To learn more about the Making a Difference Awards or access a nomination form, visit the college’s 50th anniversary website at For more information, contact Wendy Shaffer at the college, or 978 556-3858.