iHealth @ NECC Provides Career Growth for Methuen Woman
As a hospital employee, Kathleen Coughlin is witness to the changing field of electronic
medical records and billing and is eager to adapt to those changes. With the medical
coding program offered through iHealth@NECC, she is learning new skills that will help
her grow her health care career.
The Methuen resident works in the health information management/medical records
department at an area hospital and recognizes that as medical records become almost exclusively electronic, employees will embrace different functions. So, when a co-worker told Kathleen about the iHealth@NECC program, she was interested. The self-supporting mother and grandmother decided it fit her lifestyle.
iHealth@NECC allows students to take most classes online and come to the Lawrence Campus just once or twice a week.
“I always said if medical coding was ever offered online I would enroll. The iHealth hybrid course is perfect for someone like me who works full time,” she says. “It’s an excellent opportunity for me. I just know if I had to go back and forth between work, home, and
classes, I’m sure I wouldn’t be doing it.”
The iHealth instructors are prompt in responding to students’ needs. “I was pleasantly impressed with how accommodating and helpful everybody is at iHealth.
“As long as you have a computer you can complete the work almost anywhere,
anytime. This is a great program for someone who works full time or for parents of
young children who have to work around their schedules.”