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Articles by: Angela Tournas

NECC works with high schools to insure students are ready for college
March 17, 2012 – 7:45 am | Comments Off on NECC works with high schools to insure students are ready for college

Students and staff spend spring break volunteering at shelters
March 14, 2012 – 3:44 pm | Comments Off on Students and staff spend spring break volunteering at shelters
Students and staff spend spring break volunteering at shelters

A group of Northern Essex Community College students spent spring break volunteering at local shelters in the community. On March 12 and 13 Northern Essex students and staff members worked on several projects at the …

NECC Announces Free Piano Workshop
March 14, 2012 – 11:33 am | Comments Off on NECC Announces Free Piano Workshop
NECC Announces Free Piano Workshop

The Music Program at Northern Essex Community College is proud to present a workshop and master class in the art of piano playing by renowned music faculty member Christina Dietrich on Sunday, April 15 from …

NASA’s First Hispanic Astronaut to Visit Merrimack Valley
March 13, 2012 – 2:36 pm | Comments Off on NASA’s First Hispanic Astronaut to Visit Merrimack Valley

Dr. Franklin Chang Diaz, the first Hispanic NASA astronaut, will present a Northern Essex Community College White Fund lecture titled “My Personal Journey through the American Dream” on Sunday, April 22, from 2 to 4 …

NECC to Inaugurate Fourth President
March 13, 2012 – 2:32 pm | Comments Off on NECC to Inaugurate Fourth President

On Monday, April 30 at 11 a.m., Northern Essex Community College will celebrate the Inauguration of Dr. Lane A. Glenn, the fourth president in the 50-year history of the college.
President Glenn’s Inauguration will be held …

NECC 50th Anniversary Celebration
March 13, 2012 – 2:29 pm | Comments Off on NECC 50th Anniversary Celebration

On Friday, April 27, Northern Essex Community College will celebrate 50 years of Making a Difference, with a special event that will bring together alumni, faculty and staff, and members of the community.
Held at DiBurro’s …

NECC Announces Making a Difference Award Recipients
March 13, 2012 – 2:27 pm | Comments Off on NECC Announces Making a Difference Award Recipients

As part of its year-long 50th anniversary celebration, Northern Essex Community College is honoring influential members of the NECC community who have made a difference in the lives of others.
Included in this storied list of …

NECC Dancers Celebrate College’s 50th
March 13, 2012 – 2:25 pm | Comments Off on NECC Dancers Celebrate College’s 50th
NECC Dancers Celebrate College’s 50th

On Saturday, evening April 28, Northern Essex Community College’s Still Point Dancers will celebrate the college’s 50th anniversary with a special performance.
Alumni of the college, as well as faculty and staff, are invited to attend …

NECC Chorus will Grow to 50 Members
March 13, 2012 – 2:20 pm | Comments Off on NECC Chorus will Grow to 50 Members
NECC Chorus will Grow to 50 Members

As part of the college’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, Choral Director Alisa Bucchiere is planning a special concert for Sunday, April 29 at 4 p.m.
Bucchiere has gathered a 50-member chorus—including students, alumni, faculty, and staff—which will …

NECC Names New Foundation Members
March 13, 2012 – 12:31 pm | Comments Off on NECC Names New Foundation Members
NECC Names New Foundation Members

Four local business leaders, Angela Miele of Londonderry, N.H., Thomas Mortimer of Haverhill, Al Getler of Windham, N.H. and Scott Cote of Derry, N.H. were recently appointed to the Northern Essex Community College Foundation board.
The …