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Articles by: Angela Tournas

NECC Presents “Love Letters”
February 3, 2012 – 5:14 pm | Comments Off on NECC Presents “Love Letters”
NECC Presents “Love Letters”

What is better than having a long-time married couple play the leads in A.R. Gurney’s “Love Letters”? How about two long-time married couples.
Northern Essex Community College will present “Love Letters” Friday, Feb. 10, and Saturday, …

A COMPASS to guide them
February 2, 2012 – 2:55 pm | Comments Off on A COMPASS to guide them

NECC Provides Bridge to Bachelor Degree
February 2, 2012 – 10:32 am | Comments Off on NECC Provides Bridge to Bachelor Degree

Northern Essex Community College may be a long way from New York City, but it was Alex Then’s first step toward a career in the music industry. His next step is UMass Lowell before he …

NECC Employees Recognized for Work
January 31, 2012 – 3:10 pm | Comments Off on NECC Employees Recognized for Work
NECC Employees Recognized for Work

Three Northern Essex Community College employees Janice Rogers of Lexington, Eileen Hayes-Johnson of Salisbury, and Joshua Bordis of Derry, NH, recently received the quarterly employee recognition award for the first quarter of 2012.
The Employee Recognition …

Successful NECC Alum Shares Secrets to Success
January 30, 2012 – 1:37 pm | Comments Off on Successful NECC Alum Shares Secrets to Success
Successful NECC Alum Shares Secrets to Success

What can you do with an associate degree in business from Northern Essex Community College? How about run a $2 billion dollar company with 37,000 employees.
That’s just what Steve Sweeney, who graduated from Northern …

Tribune Editorial Supports NECC
January 30, 2012 – 11:24 am | Comments Off on Tribune Editorial Supports NECC

President Responds to Governor’s State of the State
January 30, 2012 – 11:21 am | Comments Off on President Responds to Governor’s State of the State

Motown Historian Offers Multimedia Presentation
January 30, 2012 – 10:03 am | Comments Off on Motown Historian Offers Multimedia Presentation
Motown Historian Offers Multimedia Presentation

Motown and its connection to the Civil Rights Movement will be the subject of a multimedia presentation by Motown historian, entertainment manager, lecturer, and life coach Tom Ingrassia, in recognition of Black History month, on …

Spring Convocation Well Attended
January 26, 2012 – 2:05 pm | Comments Off on Spring Convocation Well Attended

With the Hartleb Technology Center decorated in an array of blue and gold, hundreds of NECC faculty and staff, eager and energized, welcomed each other back to school for the spring 2012 semester.
President Lane Glenn …

Support Services Make College Possible
January 24, 2012 – 10:30 am | Comments Off on Support Services Make College Possible
Support Services Make College Possible

Georgetown resident Lisa Sanborn has struggled with school for as long as she can remember. And, for as long as she can remember, she wanted a college degree. Today, Northern Essex and its support services …