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Articles by: Angela Tournas

David Hartleb says farewell after 15 years
July 3, 2011 – 3:00 pm | Comments Off on David Hartleb says farewell after 15 years

David Hartleb says farewell after 15 years.

NECC graduate is named chief of police in Merrimac
July 1, 2011 – 2:47 pm | Comments Off on NECC graduate is named chief of police in Merrimac

NECC graduate is named chief of police in Merrimac

Over 1,000 NECC Graduate
July 1, 2011 – 1:58 pm | Comments Off on Over 1,000 NECC Graduate
Over 1,000 NECC Graduate

Massachusetts Essex County Sheriff Frank G. Cousins, Jr., told the more than 1,000 NECC graduates who received associate degrees and certificates on Saturday, May 21, “This is an exceptional group. Remember how smart you are …

Life Long Learning to Travel to Rhode Island
July 1, 2011 – 1:23 pm | Comments Off on Life Long Learning to Travel to Rhode Island

Northern Essex Community College’s Life Long Learning Program will travel to Newport, Rhode Island, for a chowder cook-off at the Breakers Mansion, the grandest of Newport’s summer cottages, on Saturday, June 4th.  …

Bank Donates to NECC Building
July 1, 2011 – 1:16 pm | Comments Off on Bank Donates to NECC Building
Bank Donates to NECC Building

People’s United Bank has committed to donate $10,000 toward Northern Essex Community College’s new $25 million Allied Health & Technology Center scheduled for construction on Common Street in Lawrence.   The donation was announced by the …

High School Students Interested in Nursing are Invited to an Information Session
July 1, 2011 – 12:39 pm | Comments Off on High School Students Interested in Nursing are Invited to an Information Session

High School students interested in becoming nurses are invited to an information session hosted by Northern Essex Community College on Wednesday, June 1, 2011.  Free and open to the public, the session will be held …

Finalist selected for VP Position at NECC
July 1, 2011 – 12:27 pm | Comments Off on Finalist selected for VP Position at NECC

Three finalists, Dr. William Heineman, Northern Essex Community College dean of foundation and liberal arts and sciences, Dr. Cheryl Reagan, vice president of academic affairs at Clinton Community College in New York and Dr. Arlene …

NECC says good-bye to David Hartleb
June 23, 2011 – 3:02 pm | Comments Off on NECC says good-bye to David Hartleb

NECC says good-bye to David Hartleb.

UMass Lowell offers free tuition to NECC grads who keep a 3.0
May 22, 2011 – 2:56 pm | Comments Off on UMass Lowell offers free tuition to NECC grads who keep a 3.0

UMass Lowell offers free tuition to NECC graduates with 3.0 or better

Kudos to Faculty, Staff, Students & Alumni
May 15, 2011 – 12:00 pm | Comments Off on Kudos to Faculty, Staff, Students & Alumni

Students in Juan Barboza-Gubo’s Color & Design class recently completed several abstract, faux, stained-glass window murals, in the B and C buildings, using black electrical tape and colored tissue paper. The intent of the assignment …