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Articles by: Angela Tournas

Daughter of Slain Dominican Heroine to Speak in Lawrence
February 18, 2011 – 5:18 pm | Comments Off on Daughter of Slain Dominican Heroine to Speak in Lawrence

Fifty years after the murder of her mother and aunts, Minou Tavarez Mirabal, a member of the Congress of the Dominican Republic, will reflect on that tragic event and political violence against …

Local NECC Students Honored for Academic Success
February 18, 2011 – 3:39 pm | Comments Off on Local NECC Students Honored for Academic Success

Dr. Lane Glenn, vice president of academic affairs, Northern Essex Community College, is pleased to announce the appointment of students to the Dean’s List for the fall 2010 term.
To be included, …

Increases in Enrollment of Veterans and NECC’s Riverwalk
February 10, 2011 – 12:00 pm | Comments Off on Increases in Enrollment of Veterans and NECC’s Riverwalk

NECC Riverwalk was the subject of a feature as were the increase in the number of veterans enrolled at NECC.

NECC Sponsors Annual Peace Poetry Contest
February 8, 2011 – 9:57 am | Comments Off on NECC Sponsors Annual Peace Poetry Contest

Students in grades kindergarten through 12, both from public and private schools, as well as Northern Essex Community College students, are invited to participate in Northern Essex Community College’s Third Annual Peace Poetry Contest and …

Dr. Lane Glenn will become fourth president of Northern Essex Community College
February 3, 2011 – 10:19 am | Comments Off on Dr. Lane Glenn will become fourth president of Northern Essex Community College

Dr. Lane Glenn will be the new president of Northern Essex Community College.
At its February 1 meeting, the Massachusetts’ Board of Higher Education voted unanimously to approve Dr. Lane Glenn as the new president of …

Entrepreneurial Programs Offered at NECC’s Riverwalk
January 26, 2011 – 9:54 am | Comments Off on Entrepreneurial Programs Offered at NECC’s Riverwalk

Interested in starting or expanding a business as a way to gain financial and personal independence? Then enroll in a new noncredit intensive and interactive program titled “Creating Wealth in Your Business Equals Creating Wealth …

Green Training and Certification Expanded at NECC
January 25, 2011 – 4:34 pm | Comments Off on Green Training and Certification Expanded at NECC

New training and certification programs now offered through Northern Essex Community College’s noncredit occupational training and development program are designed to prepare individuals to work in this newer greener economy.
Offerings include “BPI Building Analyst Certification …

Noncredit Accounting and Finance Courses Offered
January 25, 2011 – 4:30 pm | Comments Off on Noncredit Accounting and Finance Courses Offered

Two new noncredit accounting and finance courses, through Northern Essex Community College’s Business Skills & Professional Development area, offer new and experienced business owners and non-profit organizers solid accounting and finance principles needed to succeed.
This …

NECC Announces Information Session for Entrepreneurial Training Program
January 21, 2011 – 12:30 pm | Comments Off on NECC Announces Information Session for Entrepreneurial Training Program

If starting a new business is high on your list of priorities, then attending the Northern Essex Community College Entrepreneurial Training Program (ETP) information session should be on your calendar. The information session, which reviews …

Frugal Cookbook Author to Speak in Lawrence
January 20, 2011 – 3:43 pm | Comments Off on Frugal Cookbook Author to Speak in Lawrence

Amy McCoy, freelancer turned food blogger turned author of the “Poor Girl Gourmet” cookbook, will discuss her philosophy of food during a White Fund presentation, “Eating in Style on a Bare-bones Budget: the Story Behind, …