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Articles by: Angela Tournas

Two Start New Year With Race and Swim
January 15, 2011 – 12:00 pm | Comments Off on Two Start New Year With Race and Swim
Two Start New Year With Race and Swim

Northern Essex English Professor Linda Desjardins and Vice President of Academic Affairs Lane Glenn started off 2011 with a run and a plunge.
The two running enthusiasts participated in the 30th Annual Hangover Classic sponsored …

Trustees Recommend New President
January 15, 2011 – 12:00 pm | Comments Off on Trustees Recommend New President
Trustees Recommend New President

At a special meeting held on Wednesday, December 22, the Northern Essex Community College Board of Trustees voted unanimously to recommend that the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education appoint Dr. Lane Glenn as the new …

More Veterans Enrolling at NECC
January 15, 2011 – 12:00 pm | Comments Off on More Veterans Enrolling at NECC
More Veterans Enrolling at NECC

Northern Essex is welcoming more students who are veterans, according to a comparison of enrollments over the past five years. In the fall of 2005, 90 veterans were enrolled at the college and this past …

Mind, Body Classes Offered at NECC
January 14, 2011 – 2:08 pm | Comments Off on Mind, Body Classes Offered at NECC

At least a dozen mind, body & soul noncredit courses are being offered through Northern Essex Community College’s personal enrichment program including a new course, “Relax, Renew & Rejuvenate”.
This new one-day course, which meets on …

Chef Maglio Returns to the NECC Kitchen
January 11, 2011 – 5:15 pm | Comments Off on Chef Maglio Returns to the NECC Kitchen

Joe Maglio, personal chef and owner of the catering business, It’s About Thyme, is back in the kitchen and has cooked up a few new classes for the noncredit personal enrichment classes at Northern Essex …

Piano Recital Fundraiser Celebrates American Composers
January 10, 2011 – 2:43 pm | Comments Off on Piano Recital Fundraiser Celebrates American Composers
Piano Recital Fundraiser Celebrates American Composers

Ten American legendary and contemporary composers will be the focus of a piano recital fundraiser for the Essex Chamber Music Players featuring pianist David Alan Pihl on Sunday, January 23, at 2 p.m. with a …

NECC Hosts Open House at Its Expanded Lawrence Campus, NECC Riverwalk
January 3, 2011 – 5:20 pm | Comments Off on NECC Hosts Open House at Its Expanded Lawrence Campus, NECC Riverwalk
NECC Hosts Open House at Its Expanded Lawrence Campus, NECC Riverwalk

Anyone interested in learning more about the programs and courses offered at Northern Essex Community College’s newest campus, NECC Riverwalk, is invited to attend a Ribbon Cutting and Open House on Thursday, January 13 from …