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Articles in: In the News

Dominican American Poet Diannely Antigua Returns to NECC for a Poetry Reading
October 3, 2019 – 7:46 pm
Terry Date of the Eagle Tribune interviewed Dominican American poet Diannely Antigua, an NECC alum, who will becoming on campus, Oct. 9 to read from her newly published book of poetry.      
CJ Grad Earns Full Scholarship to UMass Boston
September 25, 2019 – 4:34 pm
The Tribune profiles Michael Mankarios, an Egyptian immigrant who earned a full scholarship to UMass Boston.  
NECC Hires Culinary/Hospitality Manager
September 23, 2019 – 2:54 pm
NECC Practical Nursing Program is #1 in MA
September 19, 2019 – 12:52 pm
The Milford Daily News shares the top Practical Nursing Programs in Massachusetts, and NECC is Number One.  
Lots of Talented Transfer Students are Playing Baseball for NECC
September 17, 2019 – 12:57 pm
Tribune highlights this year's baseball team, which has a lot of talented players who transferred to NECC.  
It’s Time to Invest in Student Success
September 16, 2019 – 3:01 pm
Lane Glenn's op-ed in the Eagle Tribune focuses on student success.  
NECC Soccer Team Wins First Game of the Season
September 16, 2019 – 2:11 pm
The Eagle Tribune reports on soccer team's first win of the season.  
Soccer Bringing Students to NECC
September 10, 2019 – 2:00 pm
Revival of long dormant soccer program is off to upbeat start.  
Retired NHS Track Coach is Now at NECC
September 10, 2019 – 1:30 pm
Retired Newburyport High School Track Coach Tim Foley is Now Coaching at NECC
NECC Gallery features Work of Haverhill Artist
September 9, 2019 – 2:11 pm
The Eagle Tribune Features the exhibit currently on display in the ArtSpace Gallery.

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