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Articles in: President in the News
President Glenn Receives Eduardo J. Padrón Award for Presidential Leadership
February 5, 2025 (Haverhill, MA) – Campus Compact is pleased to announce that Lane A. Glenn, Ph.D., president of Northern Essex Community College (NECC), has been awarded Campus Compact’s Eduardo J. Padrón Award for Presidential Leadership. The award recognizes presidents…

President Glenn Receives National Award for Tuition Equity Advocacy
Houston, TX (March 29, 2024) –Late last month, TheDream.US, the Presidents' Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration, and Immigrants Rising hosted their inaugural SUCCESS awards ceremony to recognize committed institutions, student advocates, and higher education leaders who are supporting undocumented…

Boston Globe Editorial Featuring President Glenn: Help more students complete financial aid forms
This weekend, the Boston Globe published an editorial featuring Northern Essex Community College President Lane Glenn. Glenn, along with MA State Representative Andy Vargas (D) 3rd Essex District, Femi Stoltz, the Massachusetts Policy Director at uAspire, and others are advocating…

Lane Glenn is Featured as Comcast Newsmaker
Lane Glenn, President of Northern Essex Community College joins Jenny Johnson, host of Newsmakers, to discuss NECC's role in providing the Commonwealth with a 21st century skilled workforce and access to a 4 year college at an affordable price.
NECC Employees Recognized for Work
Two Northern Essex Community College employees Karl Chambers of Newburyport and Joan Scionti of North Salem, NH, recently received the NECC…

Library Director Finishes Chapter
After 35 years as a Northern Essex Community College employee, Linda Shea, was sent off into the world of…

NECC Students Graduate Under Sunny Skies
Lawrence Mayor Daniel Rivera says he thought long and hard over what words of wisdom to impart on the nearly 1200 graduates of Northern Essex Community College during its 52nd commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 17. In the end, he…

Governor Patrick Announces $1.2 Million Grant to Create Advanced Manufacturing Academy
LAWRENCE – Wednesday,…

NECC Signs International Transfer Agreement
Signing the international-education articulation agreement between Middlesex and Northern Essex community colleges and Great Britain’s Bath Spa University are (left to right): NECC President Lane Glenn, Bath Spa University Vice-Chancellor Christina Slade and Middlesex President Carole…

October 2013 Trustee Report
Fall 2013 Enrollment Report Northern Essex has more students this fall but they’re taking fewer credits, according to President Lane Glenn. There are 7352 students attending Northern Essex this fall: 40 more than last fall. But our full time equivalency—which…