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NECC Course Looks at Middle East
A history course titled “The Modern Middle East,” will be offered at Northern Essex Community College during the 2013 spring semester. The three-credit college course will be taught by NECC history and government professor Dr. Steve Russell on Tuesdays and…
Continuing Education Courses for Accountants Offered through NECC
The recently named Sidney G. Kotzen Institute of Continuing Professional Education for Accountants at Northern Essex Community College will offer a number of late fall 2012 and early winter 2013 Continuing Professional Education courses for tax professionals. The courses include…
New Web Certificate Course Launched at NECC
Two of the courses needed to complete the new Web Design Certificate offered through Northern Essex Community College’s noncredit Business Skills and Professional Development program, will be available beginning this fall at NECC Riverwalk, 360 Merrimack St., Lawrence. To earn…
Paralegal Program Receives ABA Reapproval
The nearly 30 year-old Northern Essex Community College Paralegal Program recently received reapproval from the American Bar Association (ABA) for another seven years. It is one of just six ABA approved paralegal programs in Massachusetts. The American Bar Association, through…
NECC Hosts Open House for New Grant Program
Thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, Northern Essex Community College is offering a new program for un- and under-employed adults who want to prepare for careers in high demand…

Stained Glass Course Offered Through NECC
Stained Glass for the Beginner, a five-week, noncredit class taught by stained glass artist Carolyn Giddinge, owner of Cat’s Eye Glass Creations in Amesbury, will be offered Sept. 25 through Oct. 23 at her studio through Northern Essex Community College’s…
Trendy Food Courses Offered This Fall at NECC
When Jennifer Stone-Grimaldi of Salem, NH, was turned down for a cake decorator’s position due to lack of experience, she turned to Northern Essex Community College’s noncredit cake decorating class. Today she teaches…

NECC Expands Popular Paralegal Program
Northern Essex Community College’s popular paralegal certificate program which has been offered on the Lawrence campus for more than 15 years will now also be offered in the evenings on the Haverhill campus beginning in the fall. “We are excited…
NECC Announces New Medical Lab Tech Degree
After collaborating with area health care employers, Northern Essex Community College is now offering an Associate of Science Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology for the first time this fall through…

Pretend Patients Offer Real Life Drama
Noelle births babies three or four times a year while Stan is prone to cardiac arrest. Meet two of the newest members of the recently expanded Sim…