Mar 29 2025 01:40:23
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PART-TIME PATHWAYS (3 to 5 years) are available for most degrees. To qualify to take college-level classes, some students may be required to take college preparation classes first. [Printed on Mar 29, 2025]

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Program Snapshot

  • Many of the program courses transfer in to 4-year school
  • Online and hybrid format for many core courses
  • Courses available on Haverhill and Lawrence campuses
  • Several of the required CIS courses are offered during the summer and winter intersession
  • All the required courses are offered during all semesters

Helpful Hints

  • Students must be prepared to use a Windows environment for all three required computer applications courses (CIS110; 112 & 113).
  • You need a C or better in ACC101 to take ACC102 as an elective
  • You need a C or better in ACC102 (if chosen as an elective) to take any of the 200 level accounting courses.
  • Your math sequence choice will depend on your transfer or career plans.
  • Your business and CIS elective choices depend on your transfer or career plans

Milestone Courses

Milestone courses are the most important for success in the program, should be taken in the sequence shown, and may require certain grades or other outcomes for your continued progress toward graduation. They may also cover most, or all the six core skills required for graduation.


You are encouraged to use this pathway checklist with an advisor as a worksheet when planning your progress toward a degree or certificate. This checklist is not your academic transcript and it is not official notification of completion of degree or certificate requirements.