Public Safety and Crime Prevention
Crime prevention is a high priority for the NECC Public Safety Department and the college. As a result, NECC maintains its buildings and campuses with a concern for safety as well as security. Additionally, the NECC Public Safety Department works in conjunction with other college departments to handle any safety or security hazards that arise. Potential criminal actions and other campus emergencies can be reported by any student or employee.
How to Contact the NECC Public Safety Department
- On the Lawrence campus, dial 911 or call the NECC Public Safety Department’s number at 978-556-3333, or dial 3333 from any college phone. Be aware when dialing 911, calls will go directly to Lawrence Police Department. Incidents may also be reported in person. The Public Safety Office is located on the first floor, in the main lobby of 414 Common St. El-Hefni Building. A guard is on duty 24/7.
- On the Haverhill campus, dial 911 or call the NECC Public Safety Department’s number at 978-556-3333, or dial 3333 from any college phone. Be aware when dialing 911, calls will go directly to Haverhill Police Department. Incidents may also be reported in person. The Haverhill Public Safety office is located on the first floor of the Spurk (C) Building, next to the elevator, C-112. A guard is on duty 24/7.
- There are also yellow Emergency Call Boxes located on each building throughout both the Haverhill and Lawrence campus, each of which is identified by a blue light. Press the red button and the call will be placed directly to NECC Public Safety Dispatch.
At NECC we take every precaution to ensure the safety of our students and employees. This includes providing all members of the NECC community with the knowledge, tools and support they need to protect themselves and others.
Below are some safety tips and resources for students, employees and community members visiting a NECC campus.
Risk Reduction
- The best weapon against attack is preparedness. An attacker usually expects a passive victim, so it helps to walk at a steady pace, look confident and know where you are going.
- Try to avoid going out at night alone. When possible, walk with another person or in group. If walking alone, be even more alert to your surroundings.
- Walk near the curb and avoid walkways that pass close to shrubbery, dark doorways and other places where someone may hide. Avoid shortcuts and stay in well-lit areas.
- Do not accept rides from strangers. If a car approaches and you are threatened, scream and run in a different direction opposite that of the car. The driver will have to turn around to pursue you.
- Maintain a secure grip on your purse. Avoid carrying large amounts of money or wearing expensive jewelry.
- Avoid working in or leaving classrooms and meeting rooms alone at night. Walk to the parking lot with another person.
- Avoid overloading your arms, which renders you defenseless. Be prepared to drop bundles and run.
- Consider wearing clothing that would not impede your ability to run quickly.
- If you fear danger, scream loudly or blow a whistle. Don’t be afraid to be afraid. Raising a commotion in an uneasy situation may prevent an attack.
- Avoid telephone conversations while walking alone especially during the hours of darkness.
Observe, Observe, Observe.
- Become familiar with your surroundings and identify the locations of the phones and exits. Knowing where to access a phone in an emergency, or how to get out of a location quickly, is key to assuming your safety.
- You have the power to protect yourself and your fellow NECC community members by being observant on campus. Keep an eye open for suspicious persons, questionable actions, dangerous conditions or crimes, and report it quickly to the NECC Public Safety Department 978-556-3333, or 3333 from any college phone, or to a college official.
- If an individual is involved, try to observe the person’s height, weight, age, complexion, clothing, speech, movement and anything unusual. Identify two or more notable characteristics, and try to compare their physical proportions and age with someone you know to help describe them.
- If a vehicle is involved, write down the color, make and license number.
- Always report suspicious activities, threatening incidents, or unusual behavior to the NECC Public Safety Department by calling 978-556-3333 or 3333 from any college phone. Even if nothing has actually occurred, the NECC Public Safety Department would prefer to know if there is a potential for concern.
When Going to Your Car
- Avoid walking through or next to wooded areas or bushes whenever possible.
- Whenever possible, have someone accompany you to your vehicle, then drive the person to his/her car.
- Always have your car keys ready.
- Always approach your car dead center from the front or rear, never from the side. This allows you complete visibility on both sides (driver and passenger) and also allows detection of anyone hiding or lurking there.
- Carry a pocket flashlight or penlight at all times. Before getting into the car, look in the back seat and on the rear floor of the vehicle. Check the cars adjacent to you to assure that no one is hiding or waiting for you.
- Upon getting in the vehicle, lock all doors at once. Start the engine immediately.
- Should anyone try to break into the vehicle while you’re in it, press down firmly on the horn and keep it pressed down to attract as much attention as possible. Make every attempt to drive away.
When Driving
- Travel on busy, well lit streets. Keep windows rolled up and doors locked.
- Do not leave your wallet or purse in view. Put it in the glove compartment or on the floor opposite you.
- Keep your car in gear at all traffic lights and stop signs. If your safety is threatened, hold down on the horn and drive away.
- When stopped behind another vehicle, make sure you can see the rear wheels of the vehicle touch the roadway. Never drive any closer. This will allow room to drive away if danger approaches.
- If you have reason to believe that another vehicle is following you, do not stop. Drive to the nearest police station or open business. Write down the license number and description of the vehicle.
- Park only in well lit areas and look for loiterers before leaving your vehicle.
- Lock your vehicle and lock any valuables in the trunk or out of view to discourage thieves.
- Don’t hitchhike, and don’t pick up hitchhikers.
When Using Public Transportation
- Be aware of your surroundings as you wait at the shuttle or bus stop
- When taking public transportation, protect your valuables, and never leave them out of reach.
Sexual Misconduct and Assault
While you can never completely protect yourself from sexual assault, there are some things you can do to help reduce your risk of being assaulted:
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Try to avoid isolated areas.
- Walk with purpose. Even if you don’t know where you are going, act like you do.
- Trust your instincts. If a situation or location feels unsafe or uncomfortable, it probably isn’t the best place to be.
- Try not to load yourself down with packages or bags as this can make you appear more vulnerable.
- Don’t allow yourself to be isolated with someone you do not trust or someone you don’t know.
- Avoid putting music headphones in both ears so that you can be more aware of your surroundings.
If someone is pressuring you and you need to get out of an uncomfortable situation:
- Remember that being in this situation is not your fault.
- Don’t feel obligated to do anything you do not want to do.
- Have a code word with your friends or family so that you can call them and communicate your discomfort without the person you are with knowing.
- Try to think of an escape route. How would you get out of the room? Where are the doors and windows?
If you are a victim of a sexual assault:
- Please remember, IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.
- Contact the NECC Public Safety Department 978-556-3333, Haverhill Police 978-373-1212, Lawrence Police 978-794-5900 or dial 9-1-1, the Title IX Coordinator, a trusted friend, or local rape crisis center YWCA North Shore Rape Crisis Center 24 hr hotline (800) 922-8772, Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) 24/7 Hotline: (800) 841-8371.
- If you contact the police, while you are waiting try not to shower, douche, wash, smoke or change clothes in any way as there may be evidence that can be preserved.
- Do not throw away torn clothing or straighten up the area where the assault took place. These may also provide evidence.
- The officer will ask where the assault took place, for a description of the suspect and for a description of any vehicle involved. The police will want to find the assailant as soon as possible.
- In cases of sexual assault, dating violence or domestic violence, victims should elect to have a forensic examination done at a local hospital from a specially trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) nurse. There are SANE nurses on call at the Lawrence General Hospital (978-683-4000 ext. 2500) 1 General St Lawrence, MA 01841, Lowell General Hospital (978-937-6000) 295 Varnum Ave Lowell, MA 01854, and in the Boston area, Boston Medical Center (617-638-8000) One Medical Center Place Boston, MA 02118.
Firearms, Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking on Campus
Firearms, alcohol, drugs and other illegal substances, and smoking are not permitted on college property. The college’s policies for students on these subjects can be found on NECC’s website in the Academic Catalog under College Statements, Policies and Disclosures and the Human Resources Policies page for Faculty and Staff on NECC ONE.
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