Mar 29 2025 04:02:47

Coronavirus Update: May 5, 2020

NECC Students Will Benefit from CARES Act

Northern Essex Community College students who need help covering expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due the coronavirus may benefit from funding available through the federal Coronavirus, Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), a $2 trillion fund that was created in the wake of the pandemic.

The college is receiving $3.3 million, half of which or $1.6 million, will go directly to students, according to Northern Essex President Lane Glenn. The funding can be used to cover expenses associated with transitioning to remote learning and the cost of attendance, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and child care.

The Northern Essex Student Affairs team will be contacting students this week by email with details on CARES Act funds.   

Students with questions about the CARES Act funds should contact Student Financial Services at

Remote Mental Health Counseling is Available to Students

It’s no surprise that many of us are feeling anxious or depressed during this pandemic. 

The college’s Counseling Department has continued to counsel students through phone and video meetings and is offering a remote support group for students twice a week. if you’d like to connect with counseling, call 978 556-3730 or email 

For more information, visit the Counseling Services page on the NECC website.  

Face Masks Now Required in Massachusetts

Because of research showing that face coverings stop the spread of COVID-19, Governor Charlie Baker is requiring people over the age of two to cover their mouth and nose with a mask or cloth cover while out in public, as of Wed, May 6.

If you’re visiting a retail store, traveling on public transportation or in a taxi or ride share, or in an indoor or outdoor public space where 6 feet distance is not being maintained, you will be required to wear a mask.

That requirement will extend to visits to either of NECC’s campuses, according to Deb Crafts, NECC’s chief of police.

Governor Baker Extends Stay-at-Home Order

Last week Governor Baker extended the stay-at-home advisory and the order requiring all business and organizations that do not provide “COVID-19 Essential Services” to close their physical workplaces and facilities to workers, customers and the public until May 18.

He also announced a Reopening Advisory Board tasked with producing a plan by May 18 to help the state reopen. The plan will include DPH approved workplace safety standards, industry frameworks and customer protocols and guidelines.

Lawrence, MA Mayor Dan Rivera is a member of that board, which includes health officials and leaders from the business community and municipal government from across the Commonwealth.

Considerations for Reopening our Campuses

When making decisions on how and when to reopen, Northern Essex will continue to follow guidance from the Governor, the Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Department of Higher Education, according to Mike McCarthy, NECC’s vice president of administration.

The return to work will be phased-in similarly to how we reduced on-campus work in mid-March, reports McCarthy. Certain areas will be brought back before others based on job function, immediate need, and other criteria. In this new reality, remote work will most likely be part of our return and future.

College for Kids and STEM Academy Cancelled this Summer

Northern Essex’s popular one-week summer courses for children and teens ages 7 to 16 are cancelled this summer, and all families who had signed up have been notified.

The College for Kids and STEM Academy Programs—which are fun and educational—will be back again in 2021.

To talk with staff or get on the mailing list for next year, call 978 556-3332 or email

Have Questions?

If you have questions specific to COVID-19 and the college’s response, please visit the Coronavirus Information page on the NECC website, call 978 556-3700 or email

As we receive updates, our policies may change. We will share these updates through campus email. Higher level information will also be shared through the college’s Emergency Notification System and on Facebook or Twitter.


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