Mar 26 2025 07:35:41

COVID-19 Update: 4-28-2020

We’re sharing weekly emails with college-wide updates related to the college’s evolving response to the COVID-19 crisis, including information on remote teaching, learning, work, and operations.   Our hope is that you will discover information that will help you and our students to be successful during these challenging times.    Stay safe.

President’s General Staff Meeting and ACA Forum Scheduled for Wed

All faculty and staff are invited to attend a combined President’s General Staff Meeting and All College Assembly Governance Forum on Wed, April 29 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.   Hear important updates on remote teaching and working as well as what is being discussed for the summer, fall, and beyond.   There will also be an opportunity for Q&A’s.   If you have questions, please send to Ernie Greenslade, Marketing Communications,  We will begin with questions received in advance and then open up to new questions during the meeting.  

Here’s how to join the webinar.

Summer Face to Face Courses will be Taught Remotely at the Start

Northern Essex has just announced that Session I and Session III of summer face to face courses, which begin May 12, will be taught remotely when they begin.   They will remain remote until the directives and guidance from the Commonwealth and public health experts allow us to operate safely on campus.  Given the uncertainties caused by the pandemic, it is not clear when these classes might be able to move back to campus.  It is also unclear if face to face courses in Session II, which begins in late June, will be able to be on campus or not.   

Northern Essex has 108 courses scheduled this summer.   Most of those courses—58—were already offered fully online and the others all included a web component.   You can view a full list of summer courses.   If you have questions, please reach out to Enrollment Services, or 978 556-3700.

Faculty and Staff Urged to Work from Home

To stop the spread of the virus, we are asking anyone who can to work from home.   If you are still coming on campus, but do not need to be, please don’t.     

Emergency Fund Raises $15,000 for Students Impacted by Pandemic

Many Northern Essex Community College students are living paycheck to paycheck with limited resources, and the COVID-19 pandemic has made it even more challenging for them to continue their education.

Recognizing how difficult this is, Northern Essex created the NECC Student Emergency Fund to help at-risk students stay in college. 

To date, over $15,000 has been raised and 150 students have applied for and received funding.

To donate, visit or contact Allison Dolan-Wilson, vice president of institutional advancement,

To apply for funds, contact Despina Lambropoulos, financial aid,

Laptop Loaners Still Available for Students

When we moved to remote learning, the college purchased 50 laptops to be loaned to students whose remote learning program requires a laptop.    There are still laptops available.   If you know a student who could benefit, please have the student reach out to Jill Palermo in Student Affairs,

Do You have Concerns for a Student Impacted by COVID-19?

Faculty and staff who have concerns about a student related to COVID-19, including a student who tests positively, should fill out a student care report.  The college’s Care & Concern Outreach Team will review all reports and take appropriate action.   If you have questions about this process, contact Janel D’Agata-Lynch,

Have Questions?

If you have questions specific to COVID-19 and the college’s response, please visit the Coronavirus Infromation web page, call 978 556-3700 or email

As we receive updates, our policies may change. We will share these updates through campus email. Higher level information will also be shared through the college’s Emergency Notification System and on Facebook or Twitter.

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