Mar 14 2025 07:50:26

Institutional CARES Act Grant Reporting

Northern Essex Community College has received funding through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to assist the college with covering expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus.

The College has been awarded $14,410,101 in funding in regards to institutional spending thru Sept 2021. The amounts are as follows: HEERFI Institution $1,635,822, HEERFI Hispanic $205,772, HEERFII Institution $5,479,913, HEERFII Hispanic $381,465, HEERFIII Institition $6,062,177 and HEERFIII Hispanic $644,952. Institutional money goes thru 05/11/22 and Hispanic Institutional money goes thru 06/07/22.

Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act - Quarter Ending 12/31/23
Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act - Quarter Ending 09/30/23
Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act - Quarter Ending 06/30/23
Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act - Quarter Ending 03/31/23
Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act - Quarter Ending 12/31/22
Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act - Quarter Ending 09/30/22

Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act – Quarter Ending 09/30/22

Category Amount in (a)(1) institutional dollars Amount in (a)(2) dollars, if applicable Amount in (a)(3) dollars, if applicable Explanatory Notes
Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students. $0 $0 $0
Covering student outstanding account balances for costs such as debt forgiveness, room, board, tuition, or fees. $0 $0 $0  
Indirect cost recovery/facilities and administrative costs charged on the grants. $0 $0 $0  
Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees. $84,636 $0 $0 Laptops
Providing or subsidizing the costs of high-speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing off-campus housing costs due to dormitory closures or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing housing costs to reduce housing density; paying for hotels or other off-campus housing for students who need to be isolated; paying travel expenses for students who need to leave campus early due to coronavirus infections or campus interruptions. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre-packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing. $0 $0 $0  
Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations. $0 $0 $0  
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies (such as laboratory equipment or computers) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses. $30,490 $0 $0 Learning materials, storage, computer equipment
Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities. $153,841 $0 $0
Construction, renovation, and real property5.   $0  
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi-fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc. $97,549 $0 $0 Server upgrade
Implementing evidence-based practices to monitor and suppress coronavirus in accordance with public health guidelines. $0 $0 $0
Providing or subsidizing mental health resources for students who are experiencing additional mental health needs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as increasing the supply, diversity, and cultural competency of mental health providers; connecting students to care; and investing in community services and creating a culture of wellness and support. $0 $0 $0
Conducting direct outreach to financial aid applicants about the opportunity to receive a financial aid adjustment due to the recent unemployment of a family member or independent student, or other circumstances, described in section 479A of the Higher Education Act of 1965. $0 $0 $0
Replacing lost revenue from all sources. $0 $0 $0
Other Uses of (a)(1) Institutional Portion funds. $0 $0 $0
Quarterly Expenditures for each Program $366,516 $0 $0
Total of Quarterly Expenditures $366,516
Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act - Quarter Ending 06/30/22

Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act – Quarter Ending 06/30/22

Emergency Financial Aid Grants Awarded to Students this quarter: report only disbursements related to Emergency Financial Aid Grants including using those grants to satisfy outstanding accounts. Any disbursements unrelated to Emergency Financial Aid Grants should not be included in the reported expenditures

Category Total Students Undergraduates Graduates
Number of HEERF Student Recipients – Emergency Grants to Students How many students received HEERF emergency financial aid grants using (a)(1) Student Aid Portion? 391 391 0
How many students received HEERF emergency financial aid grants using (a)(1) Institutional Portion? 0 0 0
HEERF (a)(1) Student Aid Portion Amount Disbursed What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants this quarter? $246863.33 $246863.33 $0
What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants to date using HEERF? $9632401.82 $9632401.82 $0
What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy student’s outstanding account balance upon receiving affirmative written consent from students to do so? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0. Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants. $188253.33 $188253.33 $0
HEERF (a)(1) Institutional Portion Amount Disbursed What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? $0 $0 $0
What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy student’s outstanding account balances? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0. Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants. $0 $0 $0
HEERF (a)(2) Amount Disbursed (HBCUs, TCCUs, MSIs, and SIP) What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0. $0 $0 $0
What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy student’s outstanding account balances? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0. Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants. $0 $0 $0
HEERF (a)(3) Amount Disbursed (FIPSE & SAIHE & SSARP) What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0. $0 $0 $0
What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy student’s outstanding account balances? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0. Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants. $0 $0 $0
HEERF (a)(4) Amount Disbursed (Proprietary Institutions Grant Funds for Students) What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0. $0 $0 $0
What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy student’s outstanding account balance upon receiving affirmative written consent from students to do so? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0. $0 $0 $0
HEERF Amount of Grants Disbursed What was the amount of grants disbursed to students through all HEERF funds? $246863.33 $246863.33 $0
Average HEERF Amount Awarded Among students who received HEERF emergency financial aid grants, what was the average award amount per student? $631.36 $631.36 $0

Provide the total amount of HEERF funds expended during the reporting period on each of the following categories:

Category Amount in (a)(1) institutional dollars Amount in (a)(2) dollars, if applicable Amount in (a)(3) dollars, if applicable Explanatory Notes
Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students. $0 $0 $0
Covering student outstanding account balances for costs such as debt forgiveness, room, board, tuition, or fees. $0 $0 $0  
Indirect cost recovery/facilities and administrative costs charged on the grants. $0 $0 $0  
Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees. $6,006 $0 $0 Laptops
Providing or subsidizing the costs of high-speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing off-campus housing costs due to dormitory closures or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing housing costs to reduce housing density; paying for hotels or other off-campus housing for students who need to be isolated; paying travel expenses for students who need to leave campus early due to coronavirus infections or campus interruptions. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre-packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing. $0 $0 $0  
Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations. $0 $0 $0  
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies (such as laboratory equipment or computers) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses. $30,068 $0 $0 Test kits, learning materials, registration fees
Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities. $170737 $0 $0
Construction, renovation, and real property. $0
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi-fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc. $31,106 $0 $0 Zoom, etc.
Implementing evidence-based practices to monitor and suppress coronavirus in accordance with public health guidelines. $0 $0 $0
Providing or subsidizing mental health resources for students who are experiencing additional mental health needs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as increasing the supply, diversity, and cultural competency of mental health providers; connecting students to care; and investing in community services and creating a culture of wellness and support. $0 $0 $0
Conducting direct outreach to financial aid applicants about the opportunity to receive a financial aid adjustment due to the recent unemployment of a family member or independent student, or other circumstances, described in section 479A of the Higher Education Act of 1965. $0 $0 $0 Drop in daycare program, IT software licenses and information systems
Replacing lost revenue from all sources. $0 $0 $0
Other Uses of (a)(1) Institutional Portion funds. $13056 $0 $0 Drop in daycare pilot program
Quarterly Expenditures for each Program $250973 $0 $0
Total of Quarterly Expenditures $250973

Estimate how much of the lost revenue reported above came from each of the following sources (if applicable):

Source of Lost Revenue Estimated Amount Explanatory Notes
Academic sources $0
Unpaid student accounts receivable or other student account debts (including tuition, fees, and institutional charges) $0
Room and board $0
Enrollment declines, including reduced tuition, fees, and institutional charges $0
Supported research $0
Summer terms and camps $0
Auxiliary services sources $0
Cancelled ancillary events $0
Disruption of food service $0
Dormitory services $0
Childcare services
Use of facilities or venues, including external events such as weddings, receptions, or conferences (other than facilities associated with sectarian instruction or religious worship) $0
Bookstore revenue $0
Parking revenue $0
Lease revenue $0
Royalties $0
Other operating revenue $0
Total (a)(1) funds $0
Total (a)(2) funds $0
Total (a)(3) funds $0

Please click here to download complete report. (PDF)

Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act - Quarter Ending 03/31/22

Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act – Quarter Ending 03/31/22

Category Amount in (a)(1) institutional dollars Amount in (a)(2) dollars, if applicable Amount in (a)(3) dollars, if applicable Explanatory Notes
Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students. $1,980 $0 $0 Enrollment Grant Initiative
Providing reimbursements for tuition, housing, room and board, or other fee refunds. $0 $0 $0  
Providing tuition discounts. $0 $0 $0  
Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees. $7,722 $0 $0 Provided laptops to students
Providing or subsidizing the costs of high-speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing off-campus housing costs due to dormitory closures or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing housing costs to reduce housing density; paying for hotels or other off-campus housing for students who need to be isolated; paying travel expenses for students who need to leave campus early due to coronavirus infections or campus interruptions. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre-packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing. $0 $0 $0  
Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations. $0 $0 $0  
Campus safety and operations. $98,399 $0 $0 Test kits, outdoor equipment
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies (such as laboratory equipment or computers) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses. $0 $0 $0
Replacing lost revenue from academic sources. $0 $0 $0
Replacing lost revenue from auxiliary services sources (i.e., cancelled ancillary events; disruption of food service, dorms, childcare, or other facilities; cancellation of use of campus venues by other organizations, lost parking revenue, etc) $0 $0 $0
Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities. $210,104 $0 $0
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi-fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc. $24,635 $0 $0
Other Uses of (a)(1) Institutional Portion funds. $32,521 Drop in daycare program, IT software licenses and information systems
Other Uses of (a)(2) or (a)(3) funds, if applicable. $0 $0
Quarterly Expenditures for each Program $373,381 $0 $0
Total of Quarterly Expenditures $373,371
Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act- Quarter Ending 12/31/2021

Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act- Quarter Ending 12/31/21

Category Amount in (a)(1) institutional dollars Amount in (a)(2) dollars, if applicable Amount in (a)(3) dollars, if applicable Explanatory Notes
Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students. $1,980 $0 $0 Enrollment Grant Initiative
Providing reimbursements for tuition, housing, room and board, or other fee refunds. $0 $0 $0  
Providing tuition discounts. $0 $0 $0  
Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees. $171,124 $0 $0 Provided laptops to students
Providing or subsidizing the costs of high-speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing off-campus housing costs due to dormitory closures or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing housing costs to reduce housing density; paying for hotels or other off-campus housing for students who need to be isolated; paying travel expenses for students who need to leave campus early due to coronavirus infections or campus interruptions. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre-packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing. $0 $0 $0  
Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations. $0 $0 $0  
Campus safety and operations. $55,407 $0 $0 Air Purifiers, filters, and test kits
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies (such as laboratory equipment or computers) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses. $0 $0 $0
Replacing lost revenue from academic sources. $0 $0 $0
Replacing lost revenue from auxiliary services sources (i.e., cancelled ancillary events; disruption of food service, dorms, childcare, or other facilities; cancellation of use of campus venues by other organizations, lost parking revenue, etc) $0 $0 $0
Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities. $214,098 $0 $0 Online classes and trainings
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi-fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc. $223,428 $0 $0 Firewalls
Other Uses of (a)(1) Institutional Portion funds. $800 Food for vaccine event
Other Uses of (a)(2) or (a)(3) funds, if applicable. $0 $0
Quarterly Expenditures for each Program $666,837 $0 $0
Total of Quarterly Expenditures $666,837
Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act- Quarter Ending 09/30/2021

Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act- Quarter Ending 09/30/21

Category Amount in (a)(1) institutional dollars Amount in (a)(2) dollars, if applicable Amount in (a)(3) dollars, if applicable Explanatory Notes
Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students. $156,160 $0 $0 Enrollment Grant Initiative
Providing reimbursements for tuition, housing, room and board, or other fee refunds. $0 $0 $0  
Providing tuition discounts. $0 $0  
Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees. $0 $0 Provided laptops to students
Providing or subsidizing the costs of high-speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing off-campus housing costs due to dormitory closures or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing housing costs to reduce housing density; paying for hotels or other off-campus housing for students who need to be isolated; paying travel expenses for students who need to leave campus early due to coronavirus infections or campus interruptions. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre-packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing. $0 $0 $0  
Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations. $0 $0 $0  
Campus safety and operations. $13,381 $0 $0 Additional PPE supplies
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies (such as laboratory equipment or computers) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses. $0 $0 $0
Replacing lost revenue from academic sources. $0 $0 $0 Reduced Enrollment
Replacing lost revenue from auxiliary services sources (i.e., cancelled ancillary events; disruption of food service, dorms, childcare, or other facilities; cancellation of use of campus venues by other organizations, lost parking revenue, etc) $0 $0 $0
Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities. $177,833 $0 $0 Online transition and additional trainings
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi-fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc. $10,775 $0 $0 Cameras to enable distance learning
Other Uses of (a)(1) Institutional Portion funds. $0
Other Uses of (a)(2) or (a)(3) funds, if applicable. $0 $0
Quarterly Expenditures for each Program $358,149 $0 $0
Total of Quarterly Expenditures $358,149
Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act- Quarter Ending 06/30/2021

Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act- Quarter Ending 12/31/20

Category Amount in (a)(1) institutional dollars Amount in (a)(2) dollars, if applicable Amount in (a)(3) dollars, if applicable Explanatory Notes
Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students. $407,655 $0 $0 Enrollment Grant Initiative
Providing reimbursements for tuition, housing, room and board, or other fee refunds. $0 $0 $0  
Providing tuition discounts. $0 $0  
Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees. $86,333 $0 $0 Provided laptops to students
Providing or subsidizing the costs of high-speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing off-campus housing costs due to dormitory closures or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing housing costs to reduce housing density; paying for hotels or other off-campus housing for students who need to be isolated; paying travel expenses for students who need to leave campus early due to coronavirus infections or campus interruptions. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre-packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing. $0 $0 $0  
Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations. $0 $0 $0  
Campus safety and operations. $174,700 $0 $0 Purchased additional PPE and cleaning supplies, Cleaned duct work and added air scrubbers
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies (such as laboratory equipment or computers) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses. $0 $0 $0
Replacing lost revenue due to reduced enrollment. $1,060,206 $0 Reduced Enrollment
Replacing lost revenue from non-tuition sources (i.e., cancelled ancillary events; disruption of food service, dorms, childcare or other facilities; cancellation of use of campus venues by other organizations, lost parking revenue, etc.). $0 $0
Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities. $72,909 $0 $0 Transition for online training
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi-fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc. $0 $0
Other Uses of (a)(1) Institutional Portion funds. $180,885 Advertising, transportation, and IT purchases and services
Other Uses of (a)(2) or (a)(3) funds, if applicable. $0 $0
Quarterly Expenditures for each Program $922,481 $1,060,206 $0
Total of Quarterly Expenditures $922,481
Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act- Quarter Ending 03/31/2021

Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act- Quarter Ending 12/31/20

Category Amount in (a)(1) institutional dollars Amount in (a)(2) dollars, if applicable Amount in (a)(3) dollars, if applicable Explanatory Notes
Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students. $145,845 $0 $0 Enrollment Grant Initiative
Providing reimbursements for tuition, housing, room and board, or other fee refunds. $0 $0 $0  
Providing tuition discounts. $0 $0  
Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees. $0 $0 $0
Providing or subsidizing the costs of high‐speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing off‐campus housing costs due to dormitory closures or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing housing costs to reduce housing density; paying for hotels or other off‐campus housing for students who need to be isolated; paying travel expenses for students who need to leave campus early due to coronavirus infections or campus interruptions. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre‐packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing. $0 $0 $0  
Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations. $0 $0 $0  
Campus safety and operations. $418,621 $0 $0 Purchased additional PPE and cleaning supplies. Cleaned duct work and added air scrubbers.
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies (such as laboratory equipment or computers) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses. $0 $0 $0
Replacing lost revenue due to reduced enrollment. $0 $0
Replacing lost revenue from non‐tuition sources (i.e., cancelled ancillary events; disruption of food service, dorms, childcare or other facilities; cancellation of use of campus venues by other organizations, lost parking revenue, etc.). $0 $0
Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities. $172,457 $0 $0 Transition for online training
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi‐fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc. $470 $0 $0 Wifi for parking lot, laptop, monitors, and mounting kit
Other Uses of (a)(1) Institutional Portion funds. $26,172 Advertising, transportation, and IT services
Other Uses of (a)(2) or (a)(3) funds, if applicable. $0 $0
Quarterly Expenditures for each Program $763,565 $0 $0
Total of Quarterly Expenditures $763,565
Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act- Quarter Ending 12/31/20

Quarterly Institutional Budget and Expenditure Reporting under Cares Act- Quarter Ending 12/31/20

Category Amount in (a)(1) institutional dollars Amount in (a)(2) dollars, if applicable Amount in (a)(3) dollars, if applicable Explanatory Notes
Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students. $0 $0 $0  
Providing reimbursements for tuition, housing, room and board, or other fee refunds. $0 $0 $0  
Providing tuition discounts.   $0 $0  
Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees. $50,272 $0 $0 Provided laptops to students
Providing or subsidizing the costs of high‐speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing off‐campus housing costs due to dormitory closures or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing housing costs to reduce housing density; paying for hotels or other off‐campus housing for students who need to be isolated; paying travel expenses for students who need to leave campus early due to coronavirus infections or campus interruptions. $0 $0 $0  
Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre‐packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing. $0 $0 $0  
Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations. $0 $0 $0  
Campus safety and operations. $43,076 $0 $0 Purchased additional PPE and cleaning supplies
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies (such as laboratory equipment or computers) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses. $0 $0 $0
Replacing lost revenue due to reduced enrollment. $0 $0
Replacing lost revenue from non‐tuition sources (i.e., cancelled ancillary events; disruption of food service, dorms, childcare or other facilities; cancellation of use of campus venues by other organizations, lost parking revenue, etc.). $0 $0
Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities. $284,165 $0 $0 Transition for online training
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi‐fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc. $24,038 $0 $0 Wifi for parking lot
Other Uses of (a)(1) Institutional Portion funds. $0
Other Uses of (a)(2) or (a)(3) funds, if applicable. $0 $0
Quarterly Expenditures for each Program $401,552 $0 $0
Total of Quarterly Expenditures $401,552
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