Emergency Response Plan
DIAL 911.
Contact Public Safety at (978) 556-3333 or dial ext. 3333 from any campus phone.
Emergency Procedures
Campus Violence/Active Shooter
Campus Violence/Active Shooter
Run. Hide. Fight.
Information for Students and Staff:
What you need to know to survive the unthinkable – an active shooter situation. The Options for Consideration video demonstrates possible actions that individuals can take if confronted with an active shooter scenario. This instructive video reviews the choices of running, hiding, or as an option of last resort, fighting the shooter. The video also shows how to assist authorities once law enforcement arrives.
Please be advised that this video portrays scenes of active violence.
View video on the NECC YouTube Channel.
Correr. Esconder. Lucha.
Información para estudiantes y personal:
Lo que necesitas saber para sobrevivir a lo impensable: una situación de tirador activo. El video muestra las posibles acciones que las personas pueden tomar si se enfrentan a un escenario de tirador activo. Este video instructivo repasa las opciones de correr, esconderse o, como última opción, luchar contra el tirador. El video también muestra cómo ayudar a las autoridades una vez que llegue la policía.
Tenga en cuenta que este video muestra escenas de violencia activa.
View video on the NECC YouTube Channel.
When an active shooter is near you:
- If there is an escape path, try to get out to a place of safety as fast as possible.
- Leave swiftly whether others agree to or not.
- Leave your belongings behind.
- Help others escape if possible.
- Prevent anyone approaching from entering the area.
- Call 9-1-1 when you are safe.
If an evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide.
- Lock and/or blockade the door.
- Silence your cell phone.
- Hide behind large objects.
- Remain very quiet.
- Your hiding place should:
- Be out of the shooter’s view.
- Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction.
- Not trap you in a corner, or restrict your options for movement.
As a last resort and only when your life or the lives of others are in imminent danger.
- Try to incapacitate the shooter, if possible, act in concert with other potential victims.
- Act with great physical aggression.
- Improvise weapons. Throw heavy objects.
- Commit to your actions. Do not hold back.
- When law enforcement officers arrive, keep in mind they will be focused on getting to and stopping the shooter(s). They will be on high alert for anyone who poses a threat.
- Remain calm.
- Listen for and follow the instructions from officers.
- Keep your hands visible at all times.
- Avoid pointing, yelling or doing anything that might be construed as threatening.
- Any civilian with a gun or weapon will be perceived as a serious threat.
- Know that help for the injured is on its way.
Cuando un tirador activo está cerca de ti:
- Si hay una vía de escape, intente salir a un lugar seguro lo más rápido posible.
- Váyase rápidamente ya sea que otros estén de acuerdo o no.
- Deje sus pertenencias atrás.
- Ayude a otros a escapar si es posible.
- Evite que alguien que se acerque ingrese al área.
- Llame al 9-1-1 cuando esté seguro.
Si no es posible una evacuación, busque un lugar para esconderse.
- Bloquear y / o bloquear la puerta.
- Silencia tu celular.
- Escóndete detrás de objetos grandes.
- Permanezca muy callado.
- Tu escondite debería:
- Manténgase fuera de la vista del tirador.
- Brinde protección si se realizan disparos en su dirección.
- No lo atrape en una esquina, ni restrinja sus opciones de movimiento.
Como último recurso y solo cuando su vida o la de los demás se encuentran en peligro inminente.
- Trate de incapacitar al tirador, si es posible, actúe en conjunto con otras víctimas potenciales.
- Actúa con gran agresión física.
- Improvisar armas. Lanza objetos pesados.
- Comprométete con tus acciones. No te contengas.
- Cuando lleguen los agentes de la ley, tenga en cuenta que se concentrarán en llegar y detener al tirador (es). Estarán en alerta máxima para cualquier persona que represente una amenaza.
- Mantén la calma.
- Escuche y siga las instrucciones de los oficiales.
- Mantenga sus manos visibles en todo momento.
- Evite señalar, gritar o hacer cualquier cosa que pueda interpretarse como una amenaza.
- Cualquier civil con una pistola o arma será percibido como una seria amenaza.
- Sepa que la ayuda para los heridos está en camino.
Medical Emergency
Medical Emergency
In many cases of medical emergencies, appropriate action taken during the first moments can prevent further injury. Fast action is most important and may save a life.
The Northern Essex Community College Public Safety Department is certified in CPR and First Aid. Emergency defibrillators are located across campus.
- Immediately call 9-1-1 and notify the NECC Public Safety office at 978-556-3333 or call extension 3333 from any campus phone.
- Send someone to the building entrance to guide first responders.
- Comfort the victim.
- Avoid moving victims.
- Rendering first aid: Massachusetts “Good Samaritan” laws protect citizens from good faith attempts to render aid.
- To control bleeding: Apply direct pressure using a clean thick pad, towel, or cloth to injury.
- To maintain body temperature cover with a blanket or coat to maintain body temperature.
- For neck, spinal or back injury: DO NOT MOVE the injured person unless the environment they are in can cause further harm.
- To locate a pulse: Feel neck using middle and index fingers under the angle of the lower jaw for pulse in neck (carotid) artery.
- If someone is unresponsive, not breathing, or has no pulse, begin CPR or chest compressions immediately. Ask a bystander to call 911 and contact Public Safety at 978-556-3333 or call extension 3333 from any campus phone.
- For seizure activity: Clear the area around the patient to protect them from further injury. Do not place anything in the mouth and do not restrain the individual.
Bomb Threat/Explosions
Bomb Threats
If you observe a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus, do not handle the object. Clear the area and immediately call 9-1-1 and then contact Public Safety at 978-556-3333 or call extension 3333 from any campus phone. Watch a short video on what to do with unattended items (a new window will open)
If you check your area and observe a potential bomb:
- Do not touch a suspicious object.
- Do not open drawers or cabinets.
- Do not turn on/off switches (light switches, cell phones, radios, etc.).
- Always be aware of secondary devices.
- Quickly clear the area.
If You Receive a Bomb Threat:
- Keep talking with the caller as long as possible.
- If you can, keep the caller on the line and ask someone nearby to dial 9-1-1 to report there is a bomb threat call on your phone and then contact Public Safety at 978-556-3333.
Note the Following:
- Time of call
- Age and gender of caller
- Speech pattern, accent, distinguishing vocal characteristics
- Emotional state of caller
- Background noise
Remain calm and ask the caller the following questions. Take notes if possible.
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- Where is the bomb right now?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What does it look like?
- Why did you place the bomb?
- What is your name?
- What do you want to be called?
- Where are you calling from?
Hazardous Materials
Hazardous Materials
Damage to individuals and/or the environment can be caused by any unplanned release of hazardous materials. Potentially hazardous materials can include a wide variety of chemicals as well as human waste and other contaminants.
Where unidentified vapors are involved, always assume they are toxic or hazardous. Report noxious fumes or odors.
When reporting an accident, be specific about the nature of the material involved and its exact location. If trained in chemical spill response, take appropriate measures to contain, neutralize, absorb, and clean any accidental spills you are comfortable with.
- If untrained, or a spill is too great to handle on your own, vacate the affected area at once and alert others as you EXIT.
- Close off all access to the area and Call 9-1-1 and contact Public Safety at 978-556-3333 or call extension 3333 from any campus phone.
- If experiencing bodily harm from a chemical spill, all laboratories are equipped with safety showers and eyewash stations and may be used to flush affected areas.
- If exposed but unsure what to, remain calm, wait for direction and try not to expose others.
In an emergency, contact: Bob West, Laboratory Technician / Natural Science Safety Officer, NECC, Office: 978-556-3851 Mobile: 978-476-1751.
Tornado/Severe Weather
Tornado/Severe Weather
Fear at the time of a disaster may create panic which can account for more injuries than the disaster itself. It is critical to keep personnel and students calm and prevent panic.
In an Event of an Earthquake:
- Stay away from windows or bookcases.
- Identify safe places such as:
- In a doorway
- Under sturdy furniture
- Against an inside wall
In the Event of a Tornado:
- Take immediate action when a warning is issued.
- Go to basement areas away from windows.
- Locate a small interior room or hall on the lowest floor of the building.
- Use heavy furniture for shelter if needed.
- Familiarize yourself with evacuation area locations prior to any emergency.
- Huddle with a group of people, rather than alone.
Smoke is the greatest danger in a fire, so as you evacuate or if you are trapped, always stay near to the floor where the air is less toxic. Stay low!
Familiarize yourself in advance with fire extinguisher locations, exits, alarm pull stations, and evacuation maps and guides.
- Call 911 and contact Public Safety at 978-556-3333 or call extension 3333 from any campus phone. Activate the closest FIRE PULL STATION.
- Walk quickly to the nearest exit.
- Alert others as you EXIT.
- Stay back at least 500 feet from the building.
If Trapped During a Fire:
- Find a window and place an article of clothing outside of it as a marker for rescue crews.
- If the room has no window, stay near the floor and in a corner, if possible, where the air is less toxic.
- Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency personnel of your location.
Evacuate to your building’s designated Building Evacuation Area. If this area is in a danger zone, choose an alternative location.
- As a contingency plan, quickly check with faculty or staff in rooms located to the left and right and coordinate assistance as necessary.
- Do not use elevators.
- Close doors but leave unlocked for search and rescue access.
- Use safest route, be alert for hazards (e.g. falling objects, smoke), and move quickly and quietly from building. Always avoid power or other utility lines as they may be energized.
- Ensure that any injured person stays still until help has arrived, unless remaining in the area would expose them to imminent danger.
- Provide Public Safety with an oral report of the status of your staff or students. (Example: Room C-308: all accounted for, no injuries; or Room. B-130: two students with serious injuries (describe nature of injuries).
Power Outage/Gas Leak
Power Outage/Gas Leak
In the event of a power outage, await the college administration’s decision and announcement regarding the need to evacuate and/or cancel classes.
At The Time of a Power Outage:
- Contact Public Safety at 978-556-3333 or call extension 3333 from any campus phone to report the outage and any related hazards. Remain calm. If your visibility is impaired by a low-light situation, remain still and wait for direction from Public Safety or other authorized personnel. Hallway and emergency lighting will automatically come on.
- Remember: many mobile devices are equipped with flashlight features.
- If you are in a dark area, proceed to an area with emergency lights or natural lighting.
- If evacuation is ordered and your visibility is impaired by a low-light situation, wait until someone with a flashlight arrives to direct a safe departure from your building.
- Provide extra assistance to disabled individuals during evacuation. Be aware that elevators will not work during power outage. Faculty and staff should check elevators, bathrooms, classrooms, and hallways to ensure no disabled person is without assistance.
- Provide assistance to others in your area who may not be familiar with the building/work space.
- Turn off equipment such as computers and monitors to avoid potential damage from surges once the power is restored.
- If you are in an elevator, stay calm. Use the emergency button or contact Public Safety.
If you suspect a gas leak:
- Do not turn on or ignite any electronic device or electrical equipment.
- Immediately evacuate the area.
- Once you are safely away from the area, call 9-1-1 and then contact Public Safety at 978-556-3333 or call extension 3333 from any campus phone.
Suicide Attempt on Campus
Suicide Attempt on Campus
Take the following steps when an individual is attempting or threatening to commit suicide on campus:
- Call 9-1-1 and then contact Public Safety at 978-556-3333 or call extension 3333 from any campus phone.
- Do not leave a suicidal person alone.
- If the person has a weapon, do not try to take it.
- If you suspect a person has ingested a substance or pills, ask what substance they have ingested. If the bottle is there, save it and turn it over to First Responders.
Mental Health Counselors:
- NECC: 978-738-7381, Located at the Dimitry (L) Building, Room L-115
- 9-8-8 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- 1-888-628-9454 Línea Directa Nacional para la Prevención del Suicidio en Español
Assisting Persons with Disabilities
Assisting Persons with Disabilities
People with disabilities such as impaired mobility, those who are blind or have low vision, those who are deaf or hard of hearing, can have additional difficulty dealing with the effects of a disaster. Special care must be provided to help them during a building evacuation and to care for their ongoing needs.
Center for Accessibility Resources and Services:
Students with disabilities who might need assistance during an emergency evacuation should inform the Center for Accessibility Resources and Services Center each semester and report any changes in their schedule and/or condition during the semester. Call 978-556-3654 or email centerforaccess@necc.mass.edu
Assisting Small Children
In an emergency which causes damage to facilities, small children (daycare center, camps, visitors) and people with disabilities may need to be lifted, carried, or guided to negotiate around fallen debris.
Be aware that small children may want to hide from the commotion of an emergency, putting themselves at greater risk. During an evacuation with small children, form a chain by holding hands and do repeated head counts using a loud voice.
If You See Something, Say Something
If You See Something, Say Something
Para la versión en español, desplácese hasta el segundo video.
Homeland security begins with hometown security. This PSA seeks to empower everyday citizens to protect their neighbors and the communities they call home by recognizing and reporting suspicious activity. Across the country, we all play a role in keeping each other safe.
Learn more about What is Suspicious Activity? (This will open a new window)
Protect Your Every Day PSA
View video on the NECC YouTube Channel.
Video courtesy of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Video Duration: 1:37
Full video transcript:
I’m a firefighter.
A teacher.
I’m a farmer.
A manager.
I’m a barber.
A waitress.
A student.
A mom.
We’re all part of your community.
We live in small towns and big cities.
On farmland and concrete.
Every day, we move in and out of each other’s busy lives.
It’s easy to take for granted all the little details that make up our every day.
The morning walk.
That familiar engine firing up.
The bus stop friends.
A hot cup of coffee.
That guy who can never seem to parallel park.
Every day brings surprises.
A flat tire.
Mid-day traffic.
Bus delays…again.
There’s always something unexpected
And honestly, that’s fine.
It’s when you experience a moment of uncertainty.
Something you know shouldn’t be there.
Or someone’s behavior that doesn’t seem quite right.
These are the moments to take a pause.
Because if something doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not.
It’s not about paranoia.
Or being afraid.
It’s about standing up and protecting our communities.
One detail at a time.
Because a lot of little details can become a pattern.
We trust our instincts.
Just like you should.
Because only you know what’s not supposed to be in your every day.
We all play a role in keeping our communities safe.
So protect your every day.
If you see something suspicious, say something local authorities.
La seguridad nacional comienza con la seguridad de la ciudad natal. Este anuncio de servicio público busca empoderar a los ciudadanos para que protejan a sus vecinos y las comunidades a las que llaman hogar reconociendo y denunciando actividades sospechosas. En todo el país, todos jugamos un papel para mantenernos a salvo unos a otros.
Aprender más acerca de ¿Qué es una actividad sospechosa? (Esto abrirá una nueva ventana).
Proteja su PSA diario
View video on the NECC YouTube Channel.
Video cortesía del U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Se abrirá una nueva ventana).
Duración del video: 1:37
Transcripción completa del video:
Soy un bombero.
Un profesor.
Soy un granjero.
Un manager.
Soy barbero.
Una camarera.
Un estudiante.
Una mamá.
Todos somos parte de tu comunidad.
Vivimos en pueblos pequeños y grandes ciudades.
En tierras de cultivo y hormigón.
Todos los días, entramos y salimos de las ajetreadas vidas de los demás.
Es fácil dar por sentado todos los pequeños detalles que conforman nuestro día a día.
El paseo matutino.
Ese motor familiar en marcha.
Los amigos de la parada de autobús.
Una taza de café caliente.
Ese tipo que parece que nunca puede aparcar en paralelo.
Cada día trae sorpresas.
Rueda pinchada.
Tráfico de medio día.
Retrasos de autobuses … de nuevo.
Siempre hay algo inesperado
Y honestamente, está bien.
Es cuando experimentas un momento de incertidumbre.
Algo que sabes que no debería estar ahí.
O el comportamiento de alguien que no parece del todo correcto.
Estos son los momentos para hacer una pausa.
Porque si algo no se siente bien, probablemente no lo sea.
No se trata de paranoia.
O tener miedo.
Se trata de defender y proteger a nuestras comunidades.
Un detalle a la vez.
Porque muchos pequeños detalles pueden convertirse en un patrón.
Confiamos en nuestros instintos.
Como deberías.
Porque solo tú sabes lo que se supone que no debe estar en tu día a día.
Todos jugamos un papel en la seguridad de nuestras comunidades.
Así que protégete todos los días.
Si ve algo sospechoso, diga algo a las autoridades locales.
In an Emergency
Dial 911.
Contact Public Safety at 978-556-3333, or dial ext. 3333 from any campus phone.

helpful links

got questions?
Contact Us
Public Safety
or dial ext. 3333
from any campus phone