Mar 26 2025 00:26:57

NECC Alert

Weather and Emergency Notifications

NECC Alert logo, a red warning sign with a white exclamation mark in the middle of it

Receive Important Messages by Text or Email

NECC Alerts are used to send news about weather-related closings and other emergency events. 

Weather and/or certain other notices may also be posted to, NECC ONE, and local TV stations.

Managing Your NECC Alerts

NECC Students

Phone and Email
Log into myNECC and check your Self-Service profile. Verify your mobile phone number. Alerts will be delivered to the listed mobile phone number and to your student email account.

Students are automatically removed after the end of the last semester registered for classes. 

NECC Employees

Phone and Email
Log into HR/CMS and select “Personal Details.” Verify your mobile number and NECC email address, to which we’ll send alerts.

Employees are automatically removed when their employment ends.

Community & Partners

Phone and Email
Vendors and partners of NECC, and all members of our community, are welcome sign-up. To subscribe and manage your alerts, please click here to log into the NECC Alert system.

Members of the community can unsubscribe at any time using the NECC Alert system.

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