Mar 13 2025 19:27:18

Civic Scholars Program

Six students with certificates
2022 NECC Civic Scholars at Awards Convocation

Grow Your Civic Knowledge and Skills. Join the Civic Scholars Program

What is Civic Scholars?

NECC is committed to graduating students who are active, informed citizens. Civic Scholars provides a track for students who want to explore and grow their civic knowledge and skills. Students can earn points for taking academic classes, attending campus events, volunteering, and much more. As part of the program, each student will complete a service project, fellowship or internship with a civic focus. When students complete all elements of the program, they will be designated a NECC Civic Scholar.

Why Join?

Upon completion of the program, you will receive the following recognition:

How Does the Program Work?

The program is completed once 100 points have been earned through a variety of academic and non-academic activities. Please review the ways you can earn points below.

How to Earn Points

How to Earn Points

How do I earn 100 points and become a NECC Civic Scholar?

NECC Civic Scholar program logo, showing the points explained below in a graphical way

Earn 25 points by completing one of the following:

  • Civic and/or Service Project
  • Civic Engagement or Social Justice Internship

For more details contact the Coordinator or if enrolled in the Civic Scholars Program, consult the Blackboard page.

Earn 75 points from any combination of the below activities:

1 point each:

One hour of volunteer service. (max 50 points)

5 points each:

  • Attend civic engagement, social justice, or civic learning event (i.e. civic oriented field trip);
  • Attend a leadership, civic engagement, civic learning or service-learning conference. (**If the conference is multi-day, 5 points for each day attended.)
  • A club meeting with a civic focus;
  • A community event with a civic engagement or social justice focus.

10 points each:

  • Vote in a national, state, municipal election or town meeting.
  • Complete a session at Career Services that incorporates Civic Scholars into your resume.
  • Complete an assignment that incorporates civic learning in a non-civic learning designated course.
  • Present at a conference or other public event on a civic learning/engagement topic, such as Student Life Leadership Conference or Speechapalooza.

15 points each:

  • Hold a year-long e-Board position in the Student Government Association and/or within a NECC student club.
  • Participate for one year in a NECC sponsored leadership program: National Society for Leadership and Success and/or the Knights Lead program

25 points each:

  • Pass an officially designated service-learning class with a “C” or better and complete the service-learning component successfully. Courses are listed here for each semester.
  • Pass a designated civic learning class with a “C” or better. The current courses include: GOV 101, GOV 102, GOV 211, HIS 101, HIS 102, HIS 253, HIS 255, SOC 101. **If there is another course you believe should be designated civic learning based on the course outcomes and syllabus, please submit the syllabus to the Coordinator for approval.

Most activities require pre-approval, submission of a feedback form, and verification of attendance. If enrolled, consult the Civic Scholars Program Blackboard site for full requirements to earn points.

Does it Cost Anything?

This is free to any enrolled NECC student.

How do I Sign-up?

Sign-up Online

Sign-up Online

Please fill out our online form below. You will also be added to the Civic Scholars Program Blackboard page.

Fill out my online form.


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