Mar 25 2025 22:00:03

Clubs & Organizations

Enjoying and activity and having fun on campus

Get Involved. Get Active. Have Fun!

At NECC there is always something going on. There are clubs to join, events to attend, places to hang out and play pool … and more. We want you to succeed both in and out of the classroom, and offer many ways for you to get involved, meet new friends, develop new skills, and have fun!

Enrich Your Life and Our Community

At NECC you’re sure to find people who share your passion and student groups that fill your life with purpose. From organizations (SGA, NSLS, and Alpha Beta Gamma), to clubs (Art Club, Gender Sexuality Alliance, and Environmental Club), to interest groups (ELL, or Hispanic Student Interest Group), come explore the many ways you can add value to your life and our NECC community.

There are many ways for students to make their time at NECC really count. Getting involved in a student organization, interest group, or club is the best way to explore new ideas and experiences, as well to make new friends.

Honor Societies

For more information on Honor Societies, please visit our Honor Societies page.


Parnassus Literary Magazine

Parnassus Literary Magazine

Parnassus is a student-run publication consisting of short fiction, poems, creative nonfiction, and all types of printable art and photography. Since 1965, creative NECC students have shared their art and talents with the college and beyond. Editions are published each Fall semester. 

Learn more

Student Government Association

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (or SGA) is an independent, student-run organization that represents student rights, interests, and concerns; it serves as the voice of NECC students. The SGA works to enhance communication and cooperation between students and the rest of the campus community. SGA strives to increase student awareness of the many organizations, activities, and opportunities available at NECC.

Visit the SGA webpage to learn more about SGA, the leadership team, and how to get involved.

Membership Requirements– For SGA Leadership Positions ONLY

  • The ability to attend SGA meetings on the first and third Thursday of every month during the fall and spring semester from 4:00PM – 6:00PM
  • Maintain a GPA of 2.3 or higher
  • Be registered for at least six credits for the semesters you are running for and for all semesters while holding a leadership role
  • Be in good academic and conduct standing with the college


Suzanne Reyes
Coordinator of Student Activities, Office of Student Life

Patty Gosselin
Assistant Coordinator of Student Activities, Office of Student Life


Follow Us On Social Media

Instagram: @NECCSGA
Facebook: NECCSGA

TikTok: studentgovernmentnecc


Fall 2024 Meeting and Event Details

All students and employees of the college are invited to attend this meeting open to the campus community. Sign up to receive the Zoom link and for meeting email/text reminders using this form.


Current students can visit our Blackboard Community to learn more about the group.

Interest Groups

English Language Learners (ELL) Interest Group

English Language Learners (ELL) Interest Group

Do you speak a language other than English? Join us this semester to meet other English Language Learners (ELLs) and learn about NECC resources, scholarships, majors, and more! All English English Language Learners (ELL) are invited to join. The purpose of this group is to practice English and connect with other ELL students, discover new careers and majors, learn more about scholarships and opportunities for first-generation students, as well as meet other ELL Alumni and learn about their NECC experience.


Vanessa Desani
Academic Advisor and
Community Referral Counselor


Fall 2024 Meeting Details

Sign-up HERE prior to the meeting to receive the meeting Zoom link.

No upcoming meeting dates have been selected at this time, please email the advisor for details.


Current students can visit our Blackboard Community to learn more about the group.

Hispanic Student Interest Group

Hispanic Student Interest Group

Are you interested in joining NECC’s new Hispanic Student Interest Group? If so, attend our meetings to learn more about the group. We will discuss Hispanic Heritage Month events, get to know each other, and most importantly, have some fun! This group is open to all NECC students.



Maria L. Hernandez, PDSO/SCO
Director of International Student Support and Special Populations


Fall 2024 Meeting Details

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders HERE.

No upcoming meeting dates have been selected at this time, please email the advisor for details.



American Sign Language Club

American Sign Language Club

Members of the ASL chatting with students

The ASL Club discusses, shares, and promotes an understanding of ASL and Deaf Culture at NECC and in the community. By increasing awareness and knowledge of deaf people and their culture and increasing access to the resources (films, faculty and facilities) at NECC, members strive to increase the responsiveness of the College to students in ASL programs and Deaf Culture.

Members network and socialize with other students who share a common interest in the many aspects of ASL and Deaf Culture, including art, poetry, theater, history, politics, linguistics and the future of ASL and Deaf Culture worldwide.

Membership is open to all students, faculty and staff who share these interests and concerns.


Kevin Fleese
Deaf Studies


Fall 2024 Meeting and Event Details

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders HERE.

Current students can visit our Blackboard Community to learn more about the group.

Amnesty International And Students for a Democratic Society

Amnesty International (AI)

Amnesty International’s mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights. Amnesty International is independent of any government, political ideology or religious creed. It does not support or oppose any government or political system, nor does it support or oppose the views of the victims whose rights it seeks to protect. It is concerned solely with the impartial protection of human rights.


Andy Morse

Global Studies

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

The purpose of the Students for a Democratic Society is to create a forum that allows students to discuss and explore the injustices and oppression within our society with a greater goal of raising community awareness.


Stephen Slaner
Global Studies


Fall 2024 Combined Club Meeting and Event Details

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders and access to the Zoom link HERE.

Art Club

Art Club

NECC Art Club logo

The purpose of Art Club is to provide the opportunity for NECC students to meet regularly to discuss and engage in art-making and art appreciation. Art Club will explore diverse styles of art-making, collaborate on projects, and provide a sanctuary for students to express themselves. Art Club is open to students in any major or area of study at NECC.

Watch the Art Club video to learn more about the club.


Steve DiLeo


Follow Us On Social Media

Instagram: @neccartclub


Fall 2024 Club Meeting and Event Details

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders and access to the Zoom link HERE.

All students are welcome to attend the Art Club Meetings.

Current students can visit our Blackboard Community to learn more about the group.

Best Buddies

Best Buddies

Best Buddies is an international organization, with chapters all over the United States. They were founded 30 years ago and have chapters in middle and high schools and colleges. The goal is to foster friendships, whether in one to one matches, or in our group events. Our goal is inclusion, connections, sharing mutual interests, and having fun, for students with and without disabilities.

Learn More by joining the Best Buddies NECC Blackboard Community.


Deirdre Budzyna, Faculty Advisor

Best Buddies Club Student Leaders

Yomerly Rodriguez, President

Courtney Ng, Buddy Director

Emma Ruggiero, Vice President


Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders HERE.

Fall 2024 Event Details

NECC Best Buddies Events

No events at this time, please email advisor for more information.  

To register for the NECC Best Buddies Club:

Note: NECC students must fill out a new Best Buddies application each school year. Applications must be filled out by the end of October.

1. Fill out an application, using your NECC student email address.

2. Use this link: Questions on the form:

· Where will you be joining Best Buddies? Select: Massachusetts

· Which program are you joining? Select: Colleges

· Start typing to search for your chapter: Northern Essex Community College

3. Fill out Best Buddies Membership Application.

· Read and answer the Background Section carefully.

4. Your application is automatically submitted to the Best Buddies office in Boston. They will inform the leadership team at NECC Best Buddies once it has been accepted.


NECC Hazing Form

All NECC students registered for an NECC Club, must fill out a hazing form. Advisor name: Deborah Regan or Deirdre Budzyna. The form is on the NECC Clubs webpage:

Community Outreach Group

Community Outreach Group

The goal of the Community Outreach Group is to give NECC students opportunities to develop projects around social and environmental issues of concern to our communities and the group. The emphasis is on working toward practical solutions to address specific community concerns and to raise awareness about these issues.


Professor Paula Richards
Liberal Arts Division


Fall 2024 Meeting and Event Details

Join us, make new friends, and explore meaningful ways to contribute to our communities.
All NECC students are welcome to attend Community Outreach Group meetings.


Contact: Prof. Paula Richards /

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders HERE.

Current students can visit our Blackboard Community to learn more about the group.

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Dungeons and Dragons Club

We are trying to start a D&D club at NECC. Open to all experience levels! Come game and have fun with us!

Join the group Discord for more information!


Mike Rideout
Student Success Hub Advisor

Fall 2024 Meeting and Event Details

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders HERE.

Please email the advisor for further details.

Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA)

Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA)

Each student at NECC deserves a place where they feel safe, seen, and supported. Northern Essex’s Gender and Sexuality Alliance provides an environment for students inside and outside of the LGBTAI+ community to be comfortable in their identity, have insightful conversations, and find peace in a truly accepting community.

Click here to view a new guide from that covers some of the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, how therapy can help, tips for finding the right provider, and additional helpful resources.


Cheryl Wilson

Center for Accessibility Resources & Services


Fall 2024 Meeting and Event Details

GSA meets weekly

Wednesdays at 2:30

Spurk C217

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders HERE.

Global Politics Club

Global Politics Club

The goal of the Global Politics Club is to create an opportunity for students to discuss politics, government, and international affairs. The Club hosts guest speakers and sponsors field trips to local sites that are of political significance.

Current NECC students can learn more about the Global Politics Club by viewing their Blackboard Community.


Steve Russell

Global Studies


Fall 2024 Meeting and Event Details

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders HERE.

All students are welcome to attend the Global Politics Club Meetings.

Current students can visit our Blackboard Community to learn more about the group.

Nursing Club

Nursing Club

Welcome to the Nursing Club at NECC. This club brings nursing students together to help them maximize their potential through building character in engaging, collaborating, and involving in activities that promote professionalism. Your involvement in Nursing Club plays a crucial role in enhancing the greater NECC Community. It provides leadership experience within the school as the responsibilities of nursing are practiced. The Nursing Club will meet its goals by planning and conducting social, educational, and community services. Activities are coordinated between student cohort groups from both ADN level I and level II as well as the Licensed Practical Nurses. It is to provide a network for students in relation to the nursing major and similar interests. This club will meet once a month and/or as announced, club meetings will be listed below.


Membership Requirements

Nursing Club is open to NECC students in nursing majors only.


Kelly Fisher, Nursing


Liz Burrows, Assistant Nursing Professor


Nancy Zheng, Assistant Nursing Professor


Fall 2024 Meeting Details

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders HERE.

No upcoming meeting dates have been selected at this time, please email the advisor for details.

Radiologic Technology Club

Radiologic Technology Club

Student working with X-Ray

The Radiological Technology Club is intended to aid the student participants in the enhancement in their profession by exploring opportunities for employment and continuing education in the Radiological Sciences. They aim to promote the interest and enthusiasm within the profession of Radiologic technology and awareness to the general public. Membership will provide activities that will enhance their learning experience.

Watch the Rad Tech Club video to learn more about this group.

Membership Requirements

The Rad Tech Club is only open to NECC students who are a Radiological Technology major.



Angela Bowers

Radiologic Technology


Gabrielle Yonika

Radiologic Technology


Student Club Officers

President – Jenna Thyne

Vice President – Savanna Masters

Secretary – Lumiere Kazadi

Treasurer – Anna Torres


Follow Us On Social Media



Fall 2024 Meeting and Event Details

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders HERE.

No upcoming meeting dates have been selected at this time, please email the advisor for details.


Current students can visit our Blackboard Community to learn more about the group.

Respiratory Care Club

Respiratory Care Club

Student practicing what she have learned

The Respiratory Care Club is dedicated to educating and elevating awareness around lung, health, and air quality issues.

Membership Requirements

The Respiratory Care Club is only open to NECC students who are in the Respiratory Care program.



Alana Doherty-Crook
Respiratory Care


Fall 2024 Meeting and Event Details

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders HERE.

No upcoming meeting dates have been selected at this time, please email the advisor for details.


Current students can visit our Blackboard Community to learn more about the group.

Table Top Games Club

Table Top Games Club

Do you enjoy Boardgames? Chess, Checkers, Connect4, Scramble!
Have a game that you want to play with others?
The Games Club is open to all students to join at any time. Come hang out, enjoy some snacks and play games with other NECC students. The club has a variety of games from Banana Grams, Chess, Operation, Uno, and many more.


Jessica Angelini (They / Them)

Marketing Communications Specialist

(978) 556-3954

Fall 2024 Meeting and Event Details

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders HERE.

No upcoming meeting dates have been selected at this time, please email the advisor for details.

Current students can visit our Blackboard Community to learn more about the group.

The Environmental Club

The Environmental Club

NECC Environmental Club NECC Environmental Club NECC Environmental Club

An outlet for students who are passionate about caring for the environment to share their ideas and actively help the environment alongside others who share their beliefs. This club is open to all NECC students regardless of their major.


Mark Reinhold
Natural Sciences


Follow Us On Social Media

Instagram: necc_environmentalclub

Twitter: @Necc_EClub


Fall 2024 Meeting and Event Details

Sign up to receive club meeting email/text reminders HERE.

No upcoming meeting dates have been selected at this time, please email the advisor for details.

New Clubs

Below is a list of student clubs that current NECC students are trying to get established as a registered club at NECC. The steps to start a new club are outlined on the Student Club and Organization Resources Webpage. Once these student club leaders finish the steps the club will be establish with the Office of Student Life and be placed under clubs in the list above.

How to Join

How To Join

Most student groups are open to all students. Some exceptions would be major-related groups or honor societies where you have to have a specific GPA or other requirements (indicated under each group below). If there are no requirements listed then you are welcome to join by following these steps.

  1. Find a group that interests you and sign up for their next meeting.
  2. Attend the group meeting.
  3. Fill out the Hazing Form.

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now a member of a student group at NECC! Don’t forget to mark your calendar for their upcoming meetings so you don’t miss them. You can also list your membership in this group on your resume.

Blackboard Communities

Blackboard Communities

Blackboard Communities function like a student group website. Each student group has its own community on Blackboard that student leaders maintain. These communities provide information regarding the group’s mission, when they meet, how to become a member, who their active members are, how to contact the advisor and student leaders, past meeting minutes, group documents, and more. Students can engage in discussion with other group members and stay up to date by reading the group announcements.

Do you see a group below that you might be interested in joining? If so contact us for info on how to access a Club, Organization, or Interest Group Blackboard Community.

Please note that once Microsoft Teams are set up and implemented for all of our student groups Blackboard Communities will be disabled.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is the ultimate messaging app for your student group, a workspace for real-time collaboration and communication, meetings, file and app sharing, and even the occasional emoji! All in one place, all in the open, all accessible to everyone in your group at NECC. Teams lets student group members, student leaders, advisors, and Student Life staff members meet (via video calls), work together, create content, and share resources in Office 365 which all NECC students and employees have access to.

As soon as the Teams are set up for each group any NECC student will be able to request access to join the groups Teams that they are interested in via a link provided under each group (Club, Organization, or Interest Group) below.



Visit the Student Club and Organization Resources webpage for more information and forms help your group’s success.

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