Student Government Association
Create Positive Change on Campus
As a member of the Student Government Association, your voice, actions, and decisions can have an immediate and long-term impact on the NECC student body. You’ll help identify and address student concerns while creating an inclusive environment and promoting better communication and collaboration among students, faculty, and staff. Additionally, you have use of an office for SGA business on the Haverhill campus in the Student Center on the second floor in the Knights Nook, cube 1 & 2 and on the Lawrence Campus in the Dimitry (L) Building, room 146. As a student involved in SGA you can attend regional conferences and summits and this will make a powerful addition to your resume.
What Does the Student Government Association do?
- The NECC SGA meets on the first and third Thursday of each month while classes are in session during the fall and spring semester at 4:00PM. Student Government Association meetings will take place on Zoom until further notice. To obtain the Zoom ID and Password email SGA. Meetings are open to the campus community and all NECC students are encouraged to attend.
- Listen to, raise and discuss student concerns and relay to the appropriate senior administrators as necessary.
- The Student Government Association reviews the budget requests annually received from on campus clubs and organizations and makes recommendations to the Office of Student Life and Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs regarding the requests.
- Oversee fundraising activities to support the class gift that SGA presents at Commencement every year.
- Host events on campus around a variety of topics to help engage and educate their peers.
- Serve as ambassadors of Northern Essex Community College at College functions such as Open Houses, U-Knighted Fairs, and special events.
- Develop self-confidence, independence and additional leadership skills of all its members.
- Attends All College Assembly meetings and presents on SGA.
- Executive board members are involved in many of the NECC standing committees that make up the All College Assembly.
SGA Constitution
Ratified: December 7, 1984
- February 24, 1993
- July 5, 1995
- April 14, 2004
- February 26, 2014
- November 6, 2017
- October 5, 2022
How Can You Run for Student Government or Student Trustee?
Students who want to join SGA NOW can contact the President to discuss your interest. You can ask to get on the agenda for the next SGA meeting. You will be asked to share a bit about you at this meeting and why you want to join the team. The current members and vote to add you as a Member At Large.
Eligibility Requirements
- The ability to attend SGA meetings on the first and third Thursday of every month during the fall and spring semester from 4:00PM – 5:30PM
- Obtain a GPA of 2.6 or higher for Executive positions
- Be registered for at least six credits for the semesters you are running for
- Be in good academic and conduct standing with the college
- Complete the form to run in the Elections.
SGA Suggestion Box
Please share with us your suggestions, complaints, and ideas regarding your Northern Essex Community College (NECC) experience.
Every change big or small requires two things, an idea, and people. Simply sharing an idea or even a concern is the first step in creating change on our campus. Change cannot happen with a single person. With your help and your ideas, we can all make NECC into not just a College but our home where everyone in our community is welcome and included.
Northern Essex Community College students may use this anonymous form to submit suggestions, complaints, and ideas to the NECC Student Government Association (SGA) for change we can advocate for on campus.
While the form can be submitted anonymously, you can also provide your name and contact information (below) if you’d like a direct response regarding your suggestion. If you would like it to be anonymous please disregard the fields below that would identify you.
Don't forget any NECC student can bring their ideas/ questions/concerns to our SGA meetings which are open to our entire campus community. SGA meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of every month while classes are in session in the fall and spring semester at 4:00PM.
Please contact SGA at for more information about where SGA meetings are held and/or how to obtain the Zoom info to join us virtually.
Class Gift
Class of 2019 gift was a foosball table and board games for the Lawrence Campus.
The class of 2020 was outside seating for studying on the Haverhill Campus.
The class of 2021 gift was a water bottle fill station/ water fountain for the Dimitry building on the Lawrence Campus.
The class of 2022 gift was a Sensory Space located in cube 3 in the Behrakis Student Center on the 2nd floor in the Knights Nook on the Haverhill Campus.
Golden Lamp Award
The Student Government Association is seeking students to nominate outstanding faculty or staff members for recognition!
Is there a faculty or staff member that you know who:
- has helped you excel in a specific class or on a specific assignment?
- has gone above and beyond the call of duty for you or another student?
- has generally made your life better while at NECC?
If so, please nominate them for SGA’s Golden Lamp Award using this form.
***Students may nominate one faculty or staff member per a semester, and may not repeat their nomination***
All nominated faculty and staff will receive a copy of their nomination letter(s) and a certificate. Three faculty or staff member per a semester will be selected to receive a gift from SGA*.
Please reach out to the Student Government Association at with any questions.
*Individuals may be nominated more than once but may not be selected as a winner more than once per Academic Year.
Fall 2022 Golden Lamp Award Winners
Elizabeth Burrows
Michael Rideout
Meredith Gunning
Spring 2022 Golden Lamp Award Winners
Stephanie Haskell
Kathy Hudson
Patricia Shade
Meeting Minutes Archive
- Meeting Minuets December 1, 2022
- Meeting Minuets November 17, 2022
- Meeting Minuets October 20, 2022
- Meeting Minuets October 6, 2022
- Meeting Minuets for September 15, 2022
- Meeting Minuets April 21, 2022
- Meeting Minuets April 7, 2022
- Meeting Minuets March 3, 2022
- Meeting Minuets February 3, 2022
- Meeting Minuets December 2, 2021
- Meeting Minutes November 4, 2021
- Meeting Minutes October 7, 2021
- Meeting Minutes September 16, 2021
- Meeting Minutes August 30, 2021
- Meeting Minutes April 15, 2021
- Meeting Minutes April 1, 2021
- Meeting Minutes March 4, 2021
- Meeting Minutes February 18, 2021
- Meeting Minutes February 4, 2021 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes January 21, 2021 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes December 3, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes November 5, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes October 15, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes September 17, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes September 14, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes May 14, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes May 7, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes April 30, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes April 16, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes April 2, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes March 5, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes February 27, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes February 6, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes January 30, 2020 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes December 5, 2019 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes November 25, 2019 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes November 21, 2019 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes November 14, 2019 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes October 25, 2019 (PDF)
- Meeting Minutes October 17, 2019 (PDF)
Upcoming Meetings and Events
The NECC SGA meets on the first and third Thursday of each month while classes are in session for the fall and spring semester at 4:00PM. Student Government Association meetings will take place on Zoom, on the Haverhill Campus in SC106, and on the Lawrence Campus in L146 simultaneously. To obtain the Zoom ID and Password email SGA or sign up for each meeting on the events form. Meetings are open to the campus community and all NECC students are encouraged to attend.
Contact Us
978-738-7423 (call/text/fax)
Blackboard Community: All enrolled NECC students can view the SGA Community by logging into their student account.
Haverhill Office: Knights Nook, Cube 1 & 2 (In the Behrakis Student Center (SC) on the second floor)
Lawrence Office: Dimitry (L) Building, room 146
Currently, there will be no open office hours at either SGA office location at this time, please email SGA to set up an appointment time.
Social Media
Meet the 2023-2024 Student Government Association Executive Board
President, Elijah Antunes (he/him)
Hello! I’m Elijah, your SGA President. I am excited to serve you all and created an exciting future, one where students have opportunities like never before. My goal is to solve any problems you may have or even suggestions that come up, so I encourage you to reach out whenever you’d like! I was Vice President of my senior class in high school, and also have real political experience! I’ve campaigned for State Senators, and even president candidate Tulsi Gabbard. Naturally, I am a business major who will transfer to Umass Lowell for economics. It is my hope that as President, I bring the determination needed to truly make a difference on this great and diverse campus! If anyone has any questions or want to say hello please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Dayana TicllasPrado
Melanie Esteban
Marketing & Communications Chair
Pedro Rentas
Parliamentarian, vacant
The SGA Parliamentarian position is currently vacant.
Programming Chair of the Haverhill Campus
The SGA Programming Chair of the Haverhill Campus position is currently vacant.
Programming Chair of the Lawrence Campus
The SGA Programming Chair of the Lawrence Campus position is currently vacant.
Member At Large
Member at large positions are all currently open.
Student Trustee & Member at Large
Hikma Mohammed
Advisor, Suzanne Reyes (she/her)
My name is Suzanne Reyes. I started working in the Office of Student Life at NECC in April of 2022 and this is my first year advising our Student Government. I studied at the University of Massachusetts Boston and earned my Bachelor’s in Gender and Sexualities Studies and Early Childhood Education. I have previously worked as a mental health counselor and an elementary educator. In my off time, I like to spend time with my family, crafting, shopping, trying new restaurants in the area, and eating ice cream. I am so excited to work with SGA this year and be more engaged with student life on campus. Please feel free to reach out to me via email.
Advisor, Patty Gosselin (she/her)
My name is Patty Gosselin. I started as the Assistant Coordinator of Student Life in January of 2024, and this is my first year advising our Student Government. I’m an NECC alum having attended between 2019-2021 where I earned my Associate’s, then moved on to Merrimack College to finish my Bachelor’s in Communication. I left home at 17 to work in Yellowstone National Park and spent time living in Montana and Arizona until ultimately coming home to finish school. I love to spend time with my dog and cat when I’m not working. I will never pass up a swim or a good book, and I love jigsaw puzzles. Please feel free to reach out to me via email.
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Student Life