Financial and Legal
Resources to Help With Financial and Legal Advice
NECC offers a referral service to resources in the community. To meet with someone to discuss your need, please use the Northern Essex Community College Care Report to submit your request.
Department of Transitional Assistance
The Department of Transitional Assistance assists and empowers low-income individuals and families to meet their basic needs, improve their quality of life, and achieve long-term economic self-sufficiency. DTA serves one in eight residents of the Commonwealth with direct economic assistance (cash benefits) and food assistance (SNAP benefits), as well as workforce training opportunities. DTA provides benefits to 1 out of every 8 people in Massachusetts.
Address: 280 Merrimack Street Lawrence, MA 01840
Phone: 978-725-7100
Website: Department of Transitional Assistance
Financial Aid
Website: Financial Aid
Legal Services
GLAD Legal Advocates and Defenders
GLAD provides legal information on GLBT matters and rights. Inquiries are free and completely confidential. Office hours are 1:30-4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. You can also e-mail your questions via the GLAD website.
Information Line: 617-426-1350
Phone: 800-455-GLAD / 800-455-4523
Website: GLAD
Northeast Legal Aid
NLA’s legal services include everything from community legal education and counsel and advice, to full representation in complex litigation. NLA lawyers and paralegals handle a wide range of civil legal problems including: housing evictions and foreclosures; consumer debt; public benefits; veterans legal needs; elders legal needs; immigration matters; community development; health law, and domestic violence. Most of the services are limited to those who meet certain financial eligibility requirements. If you need civil legal services and cannot afford an attorney, contact NLA and they can determine if they can offer the service you need.
Address: 50 Island Street, Suite 203A Lawrence, MA 01840
Phone: 978-458-1465
Website: Northeast Legal Aid
Northeast Justice Center
Northeast Justice Center helps low-income and elderly people of Northeast Massachusetts obtain justice and empowerment through skillful, creative, and persistent advocacy for systemic change and high-quality individual representation. Practice areas include immigration, housing/foreclosure, public benefits, and elder law.
Address: 50 Island Street, Suite 203B Lawrence, MA 01840
Phone: 978-458-1465
Website: Northeast Justice Center
New Hampshire Legal Services
NHLA’s mission is to fulfill America’s promise of equal justice by providing civil legal services to New Hampshire’s poor, including education and empowerment, advice, representation, and advocacy for systemic change. Areas of practice include public benefits, domestic violence, housing, seniors, and youth.
Phone: 800-562-3174
Website: NHLA
Tax Preparation
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $54,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly and limited English speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals. Tax preparation is available late January through mid-April by appointment only.
Greater Lawrence Community Action Council
Phone: 978-620-4669
Website: Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc.
student support
The Success for All at NECC Strategic Plan (2022-2027) has a goal to improve student support services through a holistic approach that removes barriers to enrollment and achievement.

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