Resources to Help You Locate Health Services
NECC offers a referral service to resources in the community. To meet with someone to discuss your need, please use the Northern Essex Community College Care Report
Mental Health
Counseling Services at NECC
The counseling center at NECC is here to support your personal, social, and academic development. The professional staff provide short-term individual counseling, as well as proactive prevention, education, and consultation across campus.
You can make an appointment by e-mailing or calling
978-738-7381. Please include what campus you would like to be seen on and dates/times most convenient for you.
Website: NECC Counseling Services
Children’s Mental Health Resources: Handhold
Handhold was created by a team of mental health and child development experts in partnership with parents who have gone through what you are going through. Their goal is to guide you in caring for your child’s mental health and emotional well-being.
Website: Handhold
Reproductive & Sexual Healthcare
If you or someone you know needs access to Reproductive Health Services, Northern Essex Community College has established a relationship with HealthQ (Health Quarters) with offices in Lawrence and Haverhill.
HealthQ offers abortion, contraception and other reproductive healthcare, as well as gender-affirming hormone therapy.
HealthQ Lawrence Contact Information:
280 Merrimack St. #544, Lawrence, MA 01843
Phone: 978-934-6800
HealthQ Website: HealthQ
HealthQ Haverhill Contact Information:
215 Summer Street #16, Haverhill, MA 01830
Phone: 978-927-9824
HealthQ Website: HealthQ
NECC Counseling Services
Current students can also reach out to NECC Counseling Services for support.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services
YWCA Northeastern MA: Women’s Health Services
A comprehensive, grass-roots network of programs, resources, workshops and support services designed specifically to help women in the community secure the information and help they need to transform their lives.
Address: 38 Lawrence Street Lawrence, MA 01840
Phone: 978-687-0331
Address: 107 Winter Street Haverhill, MA 01830
Phone: 978-374-6121
Website: YWCA Women’s Health Advocacy Services
Elder Services
Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley
Elder Services is a private non-profit agency serving elders and disabled adults who reside in Northeast Massachusetts. Elder Services Care Managers and Nurses work with thousands of elders and family members each day to make sure they have the right services, living arrangements, and access to good health care and benefits. They can help you find information about elder issues, get referrals for needed services and provide alternatives to nursing home care. They also have caregiver support and respite programs for family caregivers.
Address: 280 Merrimack Street, Suite 400, Lawrence, MA 01843
Phone: 800-892-0890 and TDD/TTY 800-924-4222
Website: Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley
Health Services
Boston Alliance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Youth (BAGLY)
BAGLY is a youth-led, adult-supported social support organization committed to social justice, and creating, sustaining and advocating for programs, policies and services for the LGBTQ youth community. Through leadership development, health promotion & services, social support, events, and the statewide GLBT Youth Group Network, BAGLY is at work in our communities to support LGBTQ youth.
Address: 14 Beacon Street, #301 Boston, MA 02108
Phone: 617-227-4313
Website: BAGLY
Fenway Health
The mission of Fenway Health is to enhance the well being of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and all people in our neighborhoods and beyond through access to the highest quality health care, education, research and advocacy. Fenway Health offers a wide range of patient services: family medical care; specialty care for women’s health and transgender health; behavioral health; including single and group sessions; on-site pharmacy and labs; eye care for adults and children ages 6 and older; dental care for adults and children ages 3 and older; complementary therapies; and HIV and STI testing, prevention and education.
Phone: 617-267-0900
Website: Fenway Health
Fenway Health Helplines:
The help lines are anonymous and confidential phone lines that offer lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning adults and young people a “safe place” to call for information, referrals, and support. The trained volunteers can help you with coming out as well as locating LGBT groups and services in your local area. The volunteers can also offer support and guidance around common issues including safer sex and relationships and HIV/AIDS.
LGBT Helpline and Peer Listening Line: Monday-Saturday 6-11pm
Phone: 617-267-9001 or 888-340-4528
Peer Listening Line (25 years old and under): Monday-Saturday 5-10pm
Phone: 617-267-2535 or 800-399-PEER
Greater Lawrence Family Health Center
The mission of Greater Lawrence Family Health Center is to improve and maintain the health of individuals and families in the Merrimack Valley by providing a network of high quality, comprehensive healthcare services and by training healthcare professionals to respond to the needs of a culturally diverse population. GLFHC provides primary health care, behavioral health services, HIV care management, women’s health, sports medicine, health care for the homeless, opioid treatment, and much more.
Address: 34 Haverhill Street Lawrence, MA
Phone: 978-688-1567
Website: GLFHC
Health Quarters
Health Quarters provide confidential exams and counseling related to your sexual and reproductive health and wellness. Health Quarters provides medical and prevention services such as reproductive system medical exams, birth control, emergency contraception, cervical and breast cancer screenings, STD testing and treatment, as well as pregnancy testing and counseling. They welcome people of all ages, sexual orientations and gender identities.
Address: Riverwalk Properties 280 Merrimack Street, Suite 501 Lawrence, MA 01843
Phone: 978-705-6637
Address: 215 Summer St, Suite 16, Haverhill, MA 01830
Phone: 978-228-2291
Website: Health Quarters
Lowell Community Health Center
Lowell Community Health Center provides access to high quality, affordable health care to children and adults of all ages, regardless of their ability to pay. Health Center patients may choose a primary care physician, nurse practitioner or certified nurse midwife from our team of more than 40 board certified medical providers.
Behavioral health services are integrated into the care provided at the Health Center. Patients are able to schedule visits with certified mental health professionals working at the Health Center.
Employees speak 28 different languages, and at least 40 staff are trained medical interpreters.
Address: 161 Jackson Street Lowell, MA 01852
Phone: (978) 937-9700
Health Insurance
MassHealth is the Massachusetts Medicaid program. In MassHealth, you choose a health plan and primary care provider (PCP) for each family member, unless you meet certain exceptions. A health plan is a group of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers. They work together to meet your health care needs.
Phone: 800-841-2900 / TTY 800-497-4648
Website: MassHealth
Health Care Navigator at Greater Lawrence Community Action
GLCAC can help educate and enroll you in the new health coverage programs now available under the federal Affordable Care Act. The GLCAC has been designated an official Navigator by the Massachusetts Health Connector. With all of the changes in state and federal health care laws, GLCAC provides Greater Lawrence residents and small businesses with up-to-date education, guidance and enrollment assistance.
Address: GLCAC Navigator, 305 Essex St. 2nd Floor, Lawrence. (Appointments are recommended to reduce wait times.)
Phone: 978-620-4784
Website: GLCAC Navigator
student support
The Success for All at NECC Strategic Plan (2022-2027) has a goal to improve student support services through a holistic approach that removes barriers to enrollment and achievement.

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