Shelter and Housing
Resources to Help You Locate Housing
There are many local organization that provide immediate assistance and long-term solutions for both affordable housing and emergency shelters. Please contact these organizations directly.
Check out the Massachusetts Homeless Youth Handbook.
Housing Referrals
North Shore Continuum of Care Coordinated Entry System
CES can connect you to resource that can help you, including a centralized waitlist for affordable house. CES staff can help you with referrals to the community and state resources for immediate assistance. If you qualify, staff will complete an assessment with you to place you on a centralized waiting list for North Shore CoC funded affordable housing units. The application process for the housing waiting list requires an initial appointment to complete paperwork.
Address: Emmaus, Inc. 127 How Street, Haverhill, MA 01830
Phone: 978-241-3400
Website: Emmaus, Inc.
Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT)
Apply for RAFT (emergency help for housing costs) RAFT provides up to $7,000 per 12-month period so your family can stay in your current home or move to a new one. You may use the money for rent, utilities, moving costs, and mortgage payments.
Website: RAFT
NH Emergency Rental Assistance Program (NHERAP)
This program will provide assistance to eligible residents of NH who cannot pay their rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Website: NHERAP
Shelter in Massachusetts
Department of Transitional Assistance – Families with children
To find shelter for your family, contact DHCD’s Homeless Coordinator at the Lawrence Transitional Assistance (DTA) Office, which serves the Haverhill and Lower Merrimack Valley area.
Address: 280 Merrimack Street, 2nd floor, Lawrence, MA 01840
Phone: 978-725-7100
Website: Department of Transitional Assistance
Lazarus House – Families with children
Lazarus House operates sheltering programs for families, including an emergency shelter and a transitional housing program.
Address: 412 Hampshire Street, Lawrence, MA 01841
Phone: 978-689-8575
Website: Lazarus House
Daybreak Shelter – Individuals Without Minor Children
Daybreak Shelter is open from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. on a first come, first served basis, each day for men and women at least 18 years old. Admittance is not granted after 9pm unless escorted by law enforcement. Daybreak Shelter offers emergency shelter for individuals under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. Every guest has access to a hot dinner, warm shower, and safe sleeping accommodations.
Address: 19 Winter Street Lawrence, MA 01841
Phone: 978-975-4547
Website: Daybreak Shelter
Mitch’s Place at Emmaus, Inc. – Individuals Without Minor Children
Mitch’s Place offers temporary overnight shelter to homeless individuals year-round. Guests receive a bed, meals, and staff support to secure needed health and social services. To obtain emergency shelter at Mitch’s Place, call (978) 241-3540 in the morning to see if there is an opening.
Address: 127 How Street Haverhill, MA 01830
Phone: 978-241-3400
Website: Mitch’s Place
Shelter in New Hampshire
Cross Roads House – Families With Children
Cross Roads House provides emergency and transitional shelter to homeless men, women, and children in the Seacoast area. They provide homeless families and individuals with basic necessities, as well as the tools and guidance they need to return to permanent housing.
Address: 600 Lafayette Road Portsmouth, NH 03801
Phone: 978-436-2218
Website: Crossroads
My Friend’s Place – Single Men, Woman, and Families With Children
My Friend’s Place for those homeless or seeking shelter in Strafford or Rockingham County who do not have a fixed regular or adequate residence, or who otherwise meet the HUD definition of homeless.
Address: 368 Washington St Dover, NH 03820
Phone: (603) 749-3017 Evenings, overnight, or weekends you can contact 211.
Website: My Friend’s Place
For further guidance if you are homeless or in danger to become homeless, contact My Friend’s Place at 749-749-3017 Ext 1.
student support
The Success for All at NECC Strategic Plan (2022-2027) has a goal to improve student support services through a holistic approach that removes barriers to enrollment and achievement.

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