Mar 25 2025 17:08:03

Virtual Visits

Virtual Visits

During the Corona Virus Pandemic and quarantine we switched from an in person to an online class model. The response was largely positive so we have continued conducting classes via Zoom with the option to have in person classes if preferred.

Our classes are typically 1.5 to 2 hours long but we’ve found that 2 hours can be a long time to sit in a Zoom meeting. If you find this to be true as well, you also have the option to split your two hours up into twice a week meetings of an hour each. See how you feel and if you think you’d like to try two shorter meetings instead please let your tutor know. Some families don’t have the availability for two classes a week and simply would prefer one, shorter class. That’s fine as well.

Your Online Safety and Comfort

We will pre-schedule your classes to ensure that the security features are turned on, and that your tutor has host controls. It is a recurring meeting so it opens whenever they click start.

The password and the link for the will be the same every time so save the email to reuse every time.

The coordinator sets herself as an alternate host in case she’s needed for tech support but, generally speaking, she won’t intrude on your classes.

Classes are set to automatically record so that you can review them later. The coordinator will forward you links to the recordings as they become available. If you do not wish for your classes to be recorded you can email us and request to opt out.

Please check your internet connectivity before class to make sure that your signal is strong.

Zoom has a test meeting available at this link: and we recommend using this feature before your first class so you can get comfortable with the platform.

If there are ever technical difficulties that can’t be sorted out in the moment, please feel free to move class over to Skype or Face Time until it can be sorted out.

Please reserve your class time so that you can be present and attentive in your zoom meeting. Make sure that you are stationary in a safe and comfortable environment.

Best practices for virtual visits:

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